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Tender For supply of nine volt battery , anti cockroach gel chalk , araldite adhesive , baygon spray , bleaching powder , boric powder , brush steel wire , bucket plastic fifteen ltrs capacity , bucket plastic twenty ltrs capacity , cable electric two core copper sixa , cable tie , measuring tape fifteen mtr , cloth terry flex cotton thirty six inch width , detergent solution , dry chemical powder , dust pans , fibre duster brush , gloves leather a , grease lg two hundred , heat resistant gloves for galley , fevicol movicol , oil and grease remover , paint brush one inch , paint brush half inchthirteen mm , petroleum jelly , polythene bag biodegradable big fourteen inch x twenty inch , polythene bag biodegradable medium fourteen inch x eighteen inch , polythene bag biodegradable small fourteen inch x sixteen inch , rope polypropylene twelve mm , rope polypropylene six mm , rubber latex gloves , sand paper , silicon sealent compound three hundred ml tube , soap hard yellow , tape transparent thirty eight mm , teflon thread seal tape roll of twelve mtr length , turpentine oil solvent , twine sewing fine , twine sewing medium flax , white spirit , wiper soft rubber , ear plug , flourescent tape for night marking of emergency ways , flourescent tape yellow four inch , face mask , green nursery cloth sixteen inch x sixty four inch , call boat swains , chain in silver for call boatswain , goggles safety , tray paint roller
Tender For supply of paint rfu ad spr syn ena sky blue , paint rfu ad br spr ena azure bl , paint rfu ad spr white , dabbin protective , cloth hassian med 102cm wide , paper wrapping water proof plain 1189mm , sewing cotton treads 165 dtex x 6 og 500m , sewing cotton treads 165 dtex x 6 og 1000m , sewing cotton treads 165 dtex x 27 white 500m , paper wrapping brown unglazed 560 mm x 7 , sewing cotton treads 270 dtex x 9 black 500m , nails steel wire round 125 mm x 5mm , nail still wire round 50 x 2 point 8mm , wire steel mild annealed 1 point 25mm , wire steel mild bright 4mm , wire steel mild bright 2 point 50mm , wire steel mild annealed 4mm , oil linseed raw , abrasive cloth emery or corundum size o , acid sulphuric pure , paper wrapping water proof plain 841mm x 100mtr , battery dry 4 point 5v no 2 , soldier soft grade b , soldier soft grade f rosin cored 50 tin , wick flat 16mm , polythane film zero point 12 mm thick x 1 m width , chalk tailor white , desiccant silican gel , cloth dasuti cotton blue 91 cm width , cloth dasuti cotton scarlet 91 cm width , cloth canv cotton og 680gms water proof 91cm width , cloth dasuti cotton yellow 91 cm width , cloth dasuti cotton secured 91 cm width , nails steel wire round 70mm x 3 point 15mm , nails steel wire round 70 mm x 2 point 8mm , blue laundry bid number/ ( ( ) ) : gem/2024/b/5709894 dated/ * : 15-12-2024 bid document/ 2 2 1 / 31
Tender For supply of 4 inch velcro for bpj,2 inch velcro for bpj,1 inch velcro for bpj,cloth for bpj repair combat cloth,sewing cotton og 130 mtr no-80 madura coats amito for bpj,cloth for bpp combat cloth,1 inch velcro for bpp,black strep nylon for bpp,steel d size -1 for bpp,eyelet male female 10mm for bpp,eyelet punch machine for bpp,chin guard pvc black for bpp,sewing cotton og 130 mtr no-80 madura coats amito for bpp,chain no-5 for bpp,runner no-5 for bpp
Tender For supply of s cotton thread 100 dtex x6 black 500m , rope cott h laid rot proofed undyed 8mm , rope p lene 3 strand h l og 8mm dia , cloth bunting azure blue , cloth bunting india green 145 cm , cotton waste coloured , long cloth white bleached 91 cm wide , musline white bleeched , cloth dosutie cotton og 91 cm wide , cloth dosuti cotton yellow 91 cm wide , thread flax undyed , cloth muslin blue 91 cm wide , web thick og 38mm , web thick og 32 mm , web thick of 25 mm , malmal cotton white bleached 112 cm wide , felt w rot and m proofed 13mm tk 132cm v-5 , s cotton thread 270 dtex x 9 , s cotton thread 270 dtex x9 white1000m , s cotton thread 100 dtex x6 khaki 500m , s cotton thread 100 dtex x 6 khaki 4000m , s cotton thread 100 dtex x6 og 500m , s cotton thread 100 dtex x6 og 1000m , s cotton thread 165 dtex x6 khaki 500m , s cotton thread 165 dtex x6 khaki 1000m , s cotton thread 165 dtex x6 og 1000m , s cotton thread 590 dtex x3 khaki 500m , s cotton thread 590 dtex x3 khaki 1000m , s cotton thread 590 dtex x3 white 500m , sewing cotton thread 590dtexx3 white1000
Tender For supply of sewing cotton therad 100 dtex 6 og 500 m tube , sewing cotton therad 100 dtex 6 white 50 m tube , nails steel wire 40 mm x 2 mm , blue laundry , linoleum sheet 3 point 2 mm thick brown , sealing wax gde i , sope laundry , adhesive padding glue mowcol l , napthalene balls , bladesafety razor mk ii , bty dry 1 point 5v no 1 , broom country , dettol 100ml bottles , polythene film 0 point 25mm , twine jute , cloth dasooti cotton secured 91 cm , musline white bleeched , paint ena black 1 tin of 1 ltr , paint ena rfu white 1 tin of 200gms , paint ena og 1 tin of 200 gms , super bright hd ultra , wire stl mild drawn glvd 2 point 00 mm , wire steel mild bright 5 point 00 mm , duster dosuti 90cm x 50cm , paper wrpping water proof plain 841mm x 100m , paper wrapping waxed 841mm x 100mtr , rope polypropylene 3 stand h oblique l og 6mm dia , long cloth white bleached 91 cm wide , polish leather black , soap shaving tablet , paint rfu under coat oil base brushing oblique spra white , paint rfu fin syn br qblique spr deep cream , nails steel wire round 30 mm x 2 mm , paint finishing matt rfu air drying brushing oblique spraying olive green ic 220 , adhesive padding glue mowiclo l