Tender For supply of metabolomics chemical and reagents - agarose type i low eeo 0 decimal 09 to 0 decimal 13 source algae gelidium and gracilaria 500gm , agarose molecular biology grade low eeo 0decimal09 to 0 decimal 13 gel strength greater than or equal to1200 g per cm2 1 percent gel 500gm , methanol hplc grade vapor density 1decimal11 vs air 10 liter , glacial acetic acid refractive index n20 d 1 decimal371 lit decimal 2 decimal 5 liter , tris base 99 decimal 9 percent titration , abs 100 mg ml 300 nm smaller than or equal to 0 decimal 015 1 kg , glycine greater than or equal to 99 percent hplc 1 kg , chloroform greater than or equal to 99 decimal 9 percent hplc plus 2 decimal 5 l , glycerol greater than or equal to 99 percent molecular biology reagent 1 l , sodium carbonate anhydrous na2 co3 acs reagent anhydrous greater than or equal to99 decimal 5 percent 500 g , sodium phosphate dibase na2hpo4 acs reagent greater than or equal to 99 decima l0 percent 500 g , potassiumdihydrogenphosphate or kh2po4 greater than or equal to99 percent suitable for cell culture 500 g , deuterated amino acid standard mixture suitable for mass spectrometry 10 ml , mtt assay kit 5000 assay 1 kit
Tender For supply of sucrose , cleri gel , 6-bap , iba , a-naphthaleneacetic acid bracket naa bracket , l-ascorbic acid , phloroglucinol , kinetin , thidiazuron bracket tdz bracket , murashige and skoog macroelements , murashige and skoog plant salt mixture , woody plant medium , autoclave tape , bluple nitrile examination gloves, medium size , marcuric chloride , 2-propanol, hi-lr , surgical blade bracket twelve number bracket , surgical blade bracket eleven number bracket , forcep pointed bracket eight inch bracket , freeze tag , syringe-driven filters size zero point twenty two , agar , wash bottle , para film , buffer capsule ph four point zero , buffer capsule ph seven point zero , buffer capsule ph nine point zero , stainless steel scalpel holder number four , dimethyl sulphoxide bracket dmso bracket , acetone for synthesis , methanol for synthesis , thiobarbituric acid ar , trichloro acetic acid ar slash acs , two comma four comma six tri bracket two pyridyl bracket one comma three comma five triazine ar , perchloric acid twenty percent , folin and ciocalteu s phenol reagent ar , sodium carbonate bracket anhydrous bracket ar , gibberellic acid bracket ga3 bracket , indole three butyric acid bracket iba bracket , one naphthalene acetic acid , acetic acid, glacial , sulphuric acid ar , ethanol ultra pure ninety nine point ninety nine percent , petroleum ether ar , two comma six di tert four methyl phenol bracket see butylated hydroxy toluene bracket , acetic acid , sulphosalicylic acid ar , orthophosphoric acid , ninhydrin , two comma four dinitro phenyl hydrazine ar , thiourea ar , potassiumdihydrogenphosphate , di-potassium hydrogen phosphate , ascorbic acid , glutathione oxidized , five comma five dithio bis extra pure , tris bracket hydroxy methyl bracket amino methane
Tender For tender for supply of blade hack saw hand flexible coarse nomi , blade hack saw hand flexible fine nomina , gases acetylene , wash spg sc ty b stl n s 6mm , pins cotter split steel 1 6 mm x 25 mm , pins cotter split steel 1 6 mm x 40 mm , pins cotter split steel 2 5 mm x 80 mm , pins cotter split steel 5 5 mm x 63 mm , nail brad steel cut 20mmx150mm , washers spring single coil type b stee , washers spring single coil type b stee , wsh spg sc ty b stl ns 10mm , washers spring sing coil type b steel , wsh spri sc ty b stl nsz 16mm , washers spri sing coil type b steel n , wsh spg sc ty b stl ns 20mm , pins cotter split steel 2 5 mm x 25 mm , pins cotter split steel 2 5 mm x 50 mm , pins cotter split steel 8 0 mm x 80 mm , rivets snap head copper dia 3 x 20mm , rivets snap head copper 6mmx40mm , rivets snap head copper 8mmx20mm , pins cotter split steel 3 2 mm x 25 mm , wire brass soft 3 251mm , electrode welding high alloy steel 315m , flux welding aluminium 110g container , tubing copper round seamless od 8mm x wt , tubing copper round seamless od 12mm x w , tubing copper round seamless od 16mm x w , rod welding iron cast super silicon 3 15 , rod welding iron cast super silicon 6 30 , rod welding copper 4 00mm , abrasives cloth emery or corundum size o , abrasive paper glass is grit 120 size o , abrasive paper emery or corundum is grit , soap laundry , adhesive syn resin araldite ay103 , adhessive well seal , quick fix , graphite dry flake , abrasive paper emery or corundum is grit , alcohol isopropyl technical , inhictor c vapour barrier water soluble , detergemt solution , cement for brassallu to rubber joint , adhesive universal , tubing rubber interial diameter 6 3mm , tubing rubber interial diameter 10mm , tubing rubber interial diameter 20mm , tape adhesive transparentw 40 05mm , m seal , cork sheet 1 6mm thick , cork sheet thick 2 4mm , jointing asb fcomp gr 0 8mm 100x100cm , jointing asb fcomp gr 1 6mm 100x100cm , jointing asb fcomp gr 3 2mm thick , packing asbestos round 6 4 mm , packing asb braided yarn core rd 9 5mm , asbestos mill board 1 6 mm , insulation tape elec coton self adhesive , insulation tape electrical cotton self a