Tender For token no. ge/k-85/2024-25 - special repair of lt ug cable, overhead conductor and allied items at certain units at kargil and budhkharbu under ge kargil
Tender For corrigendum : repair/ replacement of plumbing, sunken repairs, sanitary fittings, water proofing, plastering, repairs to leakage seepage area, repairs to joinery and other connected items of certain building at nchc powai and street lights and lt cable and maint o
Tender For special repair for conversion of lt oh conductor into ug cable for ts road, ordnance road, s/s no. 07 to gp-02, anant nagar,asd line and gandhi colony, op-02 to op-03area of 506 abw under ge(east) jabalpur
Tender For corrigendum : repair/maint of lt feeder pillar box, mccbs,security light control panel, cable, high mast dist system for security light, earthing,lightning arrester service conntn,distri board,building sub main and allied work at afs khills under ge af thane
Tender For repair/ maint of lt under ground cable, joints, overhead conductor line, main panel, mccb, busbar chamber, and connecting allied works af stn mohanabri
Tender For repair/replacement of lt ug cable, lt switch gears, unsv lt panel, acsr conductors, electric poles and allied works at zone iii, iv under ge dinjan
Tender For corrigendum : repair to ro plant, stp, ofi, mechanical laundry, oxygen manifold system, repair / renewal of lt oh line, lt ug cable, lr panel, street lights and allied works at cda/ dad complex age em ii and repair maintenance an overhauling of dg sets, amf panel
Tender For repair/replacement of lt ug cable, lt switch gears, unsv lt panel, acsr conductors, electric poles and allied works at zone i, ii under ge dinjan
Tender For repair replacement of various allied b r works and lt panels feeder pillar box cable etc at various md accn under age em and age br ii of ge bengdubi
Tender For corrigendum : repair/maintenance of lt overhead line , lt underground cable and connected items in map and 815 cetc including all outstation at suratgarh mil stn