Tender For supply of material and labour for carrying out servicing as per manufacturer instruction of tata 709 from its authorized service station , engine oil - 12 ltr , oil filter - 01 each , fuel filter - 02 each , air filter - 01 each , break oil - one and half ltr , coolent - 06 ltr , stearing oil - one and half ltr , wiper motor assymbly 3 speed - 01 each , speedometer cable - 01 each , speedometer gear - 01 each , wiper blade - 02 each , bearing grease - 03 kgs , front wheel oil seal - 02 each , rear wheel oil seal - 02 each , front break shoe - 01 each set , rear break shoe - 01 each set , rear wheel cylinder - 02 each , master cylinder assembly - 01 each , u and j cross - 03 each , centre bearing coupling - 01 each , minor denting and painting work - 01 each job , wheel alignment - 01 each job , vehicle washing and policing - 01 each job , rear drum machining work - 01 each job , labour charge for complete servicing ,self repair, rediator cleaning, electrical work, hub greasing and breaking system repairing - 01 job
Tender For supply of taking the vehicle to workshop and carry out the following repair replacement in maruti omni ba no 13b -113228w , m and l for repairing of engine tunning system including dismantling of parts and servicing complete by replacing following unsv parts , replacement of piston set - 01 set , replacement of piston ring - 01 set , replacement of engine packing kit - 01 set , replacement of head valve - 01 set , replacement of valve guide - 01 set , replacement of main bearing - 01 set , replacement of c r bearing - 01 set , replacement of c r assy - 02 nos , replacement of came bearing - 01 no , replacement of came shaft - 01 no , replacement of spark plug - 03 nos , replacement of clutch pressure plate - 01 set , replacement of fly wheel ring - 01 set , replacement of deco point condiner - 01 set , replacement of suspension arm - 02 nos , replacement of tie rod end - 01 set , replacement of rack and pinion - 01 set , engine lathe and machining work - 01 job , self opening fitting and armiture rewinding - 01 job , labour charge for complete engine oprning fitting overhaulling and servicing - 01 job
Tender For supply of repair of veh ba no 18c 107530n taking the vehicle to workshop and carry out the following repair replacement. pl see att pdf file. , m and l for servicing of the vehicle complete including repair replacement of following parts , engine oil - 06 ltrs , oil filter - 01 each , diesel filter - 01 set , air filter - 01 each , coolent pre mixed with distilled water - 08 ltrs , brake oil - 01 ltrs , wheel alignment and balancing , replacement of front disc pad- 1 set , replacement of keliper pin- 4 nos , replacement of front wheel cylinder- 2 nos , replacement of rear break shoe - 1 set , electrical work , front disc roter - 2 nos , front wheel bearing - 2 nos , bearing grease - 3 kg , clutch pressure plate - 1set , clutch bearing - 1 nos , clutch hub - 1 nos , speedometer cable-1 nos , labour charge for complete servicing ,pressure plate changing, rediator cleaning, electrical work, and breaking system repairing
Tender For supply of taking the vehicle to workshop and carry out repair replacement of the items , m and l for taking down alternator and self startor including dismantling of parts and servicing complete , carbon brush set of two 01 nos , bearing bush of alternator- 01 nos , pinion assy 01 nos , rectifier plate set 01 nos , alternator pulley 01 nos , rewinding of armature 01 nos , alternator cut out , alternator regulator , servicing of the vehicle complete including repair replacement of parts , engine oil - 06 ltrs , oil filter - 01 each , diesel filter - 01 set , air filter - 01 each , coolent pre mixed with distilled water - 08 ltrs , brake oil - 01 ltrs , wheel alignment and balancing , replacement of right side mirror , back light assy , fip 4 nozzle oprnining and fuel pressure setting , front disc roter - 2 nos , labour charge for complete servicing ,self repair, rediator cleaning, electrical work, and breaking system repairing
Tender For tender for supply of taking down complete toyo load spring leaf from back side including welding to hanging or bracing assembling and replacing worn out safety pin , bolt and nut including replacing new load spring leaf including testing and commissining tempering the or suspension level of vehicle. lifting jack used for replacing the load spring leaf for lifting for reepairing work as specified. , complete floor mat stitching fitting by best quality rexine cloth & foam etc. , repairing of complete front axle including replacement of following parts make maruti suzuki joint assy axle shaft (rhs) 01 set , joint assy axle shaft (lhs) 01 set , front axle housing 1 no. , oil seal 02 set , spindle front wheel 2 nos. , bush 2 nos. including all fitting and testing. , repairing of oil leakage repairing including replacement of following parts make maruti suzuki oil pan 1 no. , oil pan bolt lower 16 nos , timing belt 1 no. including all fitting & testing , repair to king pin system and replacment of 04 nos. king pin bearing , 02 nos. knuckle kit , 04 nos. wheel bearing (front) , 02 nos. wheel bearing (rear) , including greasing and testing. , wiper system repairing by replacement of 01 no. wiper motor with linker , 01 set wiper arm with blade including dashboard and replacing rubber feeding of window glass bracer -04nos incluidng complete testing and commissioning. , silencer repairing by welding with plate and changing of 02 nos. silencer mounting , 04 nos. nut bolt including complete and testing , taking down complete load shocker from front side including welding to hanging or bracing assembling and replacing worn out safety pin , bolt and nut including replacing new shocker including testing and commissining of suspension level of vehicle. lifting jack used for replacing the suspension shocker for lifting for reepairing work as specified. , supply of load spring leaf , supply of spring suppport assy , supply of shocker front , supply of dendrite , supply of joint assy axle shaft (rhs) , supply of joint assy axle shaft (lhs) , supply of front axle housing , supply of oil seal , supply of spindle front wheel , supply of bush , supply of oil pan , supply of oil pan bolt lower , supply of timing belt , supply of king pin bearing , supply of knuckle kit , supply of wheel bearing (front) , supply of grease , supply of wiper motor with linker , supply of wiper arm with blade , supply of silencer mounting , supply of silencer bolt , supply of rubber bracer of window glass
Tender For hiring of vehicle for carting of materials, transformers from any store/transformer repairing agencies from to mahemdabad division tms/store under mahemdabad division
Tender For repairing with the following items of vehicle registration no. wb 37d 4997(six wheeler auto tipper) under borough no.-iv, asansol municipal corporation.