Tender For supply of supply and erection of prefabricatedshelters of puf panel cfc free size 10 pt 66 mtrx 6 pt12 mtr with verandah 1 pt 50 mtr wide as per atc ans technical specifictaions , supply of prefab shelters of size 4 pt 88 mtr x 7 pt 32 mtr without erection work as per atc and technical specification , supply and erection of prefabricatedshelters of puf panel cfc free size 5 pt 441 mtr x 6 pt 12 mtr with verandah 1.50 mtr wide as per atc and technical specification , supply and erection of prefabricatedshelter of puf panel cfc free size 19 pt 51 mtr x 3 pt 99 mtr with verandah 1 pt 50 mtr wide as per atc and technical specification , supply and erection of prefabricatedshelter of puf panel cfc free size 18 pt49 mtr x 6 pt 12 mtr with verandah 1 pt 50 mtr wide as per atc and technical specification , supply and erection of double story prefabricatedshelter of puf panel cfc free size 16 mtr x 5 pt 00 mtr with verandah 1 pt 50 mtr wide as per atc and technical specification , supply and erection of double story prefabricatedshelter of puf panel cfc free size 14 mtr x 6 pt 50 mtr with verandah 1 pt 50 mtr wide as per atc and technical specification