Tender For supply of five pin socket 5 oblique 6 amp - supply of five pin socket 5 oblic 6 amp comma makehavells oblic anchor oblic bajaj at ge ep jodhpur , switchsocket comb 5 amp and 15 oblic 16 amp comma makehavells oblic anchor oblic bajaj , insulation tape 20 mtr widepvc make steelgrip , ceiling fan capacitor 2 pont 5mfd ,spn 20 amp make havells oblic anchor oblic bajaj obliccrompton , three plug top 5amp oblic 6amp make anchor ,three plug top 15amp oblic 16amp make anchor , tubelight led 20wt oblic 22wt fitting make havells obliccrompton oblic polycab oblic bajaj , mcb 6 amp sp makehavells oblic anchor oblic bajaj oblic crompton , mcb 16amp sp make havells oblic polycab oblic bajaj , mcb 10 ampsp make havells oblic anchor oblic bajaj oblic crompton ,cable pvc copper single core size 1 point 5 sqmm make havells oblic finolex oblic polycab oblic bajaj , cable pvccopper single core size 1 point 0 sqmm make havells oblicfinolex oblic polycab oblic bajaj , cable pvc copper singlecore size 2 point 5 sqmm make havells oblic finolex oblicpolycab oblic bajaj , cable pvc copper 2 core size 2 point 5sqmm make havells oblic finolex oblic polycab oblic bajaj ,cooling pad for desert cooler big as per smple , cooling padfor desert cooler med as per smple , ms wire mesh suitablefor med and big desert cooler as per smple , desert coolerfan motor capecity 250 watt make havells oblic anchor oblicbajaj oblic crompton , desert cooler medium size gauge 20hypan 22 with remote control as per smple , sub pump fordesert cooler big 40 watt comma 3900 l oblic h , sub pumpfor desert cooler med