Tender For tender for supply of dpx mounting reagent , ethanol ar , xylene ar , poly l lysine coated slides , frosted slides , microscopic cover slip 22x22 mm , microscopic cover slip 22x30mm , microscopic cover slip 22x50mm , real envision detection system peroxidase plus dab , embedding rings disposable 25x25x12mm , paraffin wax for histopathology 50 to 60 degree , paraffin wax for histopathology 50 to 60 degree , readymade harris haematoxylin stain , hydrochloric acid ar grade , disposable blades for microtome high profile , disposable blade for microtome low profile , liquor ammonia , pap stain complete i , ii and iii rapid pap , reticulin stain readymade pack of 500ml , kit for pas stain i and ii 500 ml each , jung fluid salce oct for frozen , thick white filter cards for cytocentrifuge pack of 200 strips , whatman filter paper 125mmm round , primary antibody inhibin prediluted , orcein stain ready to usepack of 500ml , van gieson stain ready to use pack of 500ml , borax ar , autoclavable coplin jar , filter paper large , formalin histopathology grade , proteinase k , deionized water , primary antibody afp pack of 6 ml prediluted , primary antibody amyloid a kit of 6 ml prediluted , primary antibody ber ep4 kit of 6 ml prediluted , primary antibody beta catenin for ihc pack of 6 ml prediluted , primary antibody bob1 kit of 6 ml prediluted , primary antibody ca 19.9 prediluted , primary antibody ca125 kit of 6 ml prediluted , primary antibody calcitonin kit of 6 ml prediluted , primary antibody cd 1a ab for ihc prediluted , primary antibody cd2 kit of 6 ml prediluted. , primary antibody cd7 kit of 6 ml prediluted. , primary antibody cd 8 kit of 6 ml prediluted , primary antibody cd41 for ihc pack of 6 ml prediluted , primary antibody cd56 kit of 6 ml prediluted , primary antibody cd79a kit of 6 ml prediluted. , primary antibody cd 99 kit of 6 ml prediluted , primary antibody cd246 alk protein prediluted , primary antibody cdx 2 kit of 6 ml prediluted , primary antibody ck 14 kit of 6 ml prediluted , primary antibody cmv kit of 6 ml prediluted , primary antibody chromogranin kit of 6 ml prediluted , primary antibody caldesmon kit of 6 ml prediluted , primary antibody dog 1 kit of 6 ml prediluted , primary antibody egfr kit of 6 ml prediluted , primary antibody gfap kit of 6 ml prediluted. , primary antibody gcdfp15 kit of 6 ml prediluted. , primary antibody igg 4 prediluted , primary antibody idh1 for ihc prediluted , primary antibody mum 1 kit of 6 ml prediluted , primary antibody anti myogenin kit of 6 ml prediluted. , primary antibody mammaglobin kit of 6 ml prediluted , primary antibody oct2 kit of 6 ml prediluted , primary antibody p40 monoclonal for ihc prediluted , primary antibody sdh prediluted , primary antibody psa for ihc pack of 6 ml prediluted , primary antibody synaptophysin kit of 6 ml prediluted , primary antibody stat 6 kit of 6 ml prediluted. , primary antibody tdt kit of 6 ml prediluted . , primary antibody sox 10 prediluted , primary antibody atrx prediluted , primary antibody erg prediluted , primary antibody ini 1 monoclonal for ihc prediluted , formic acid , primary antibody mart 1 slace melan a prediluted , primary antibody arginase prediluted , primary antibody glypican 3 prediluted , acetone ar , potassium alum , silver nitrile ar , lithium carbonate ar , chromic acid , primary antibody cd 5 monoclonal for ihc , , primary antibody plap pack of 6 ml prediluted , d240 kit of 6 ml prediluted , primary antibody cd 68 kit of 6 ml prediluted , primary antibody ki 67 , primary antibody msh 6 prediluted , primary antibody mouse linker prediluted , ihc retrival buffer k8004 50x , wash buffer for ihc , ihc marker pen , primary antibody kappa for ihc , primary antibody ki67 kit of 6 ml prediluted , vaccum blood collection tubes with needles edta 2ml to 3ml , vaccum blood collection tubes with needles sodium citrate 3ml , vaccum blood collection tubes with needles and additives sodium fluoride salce sodium fluoride plus
Tender For tender for supply of rapid test for qualitative determination of aspergillus galactomannan antigen in serum or bronchoalveolar lavage bal fluid pack of 20 test , elisa test for qualitative determination of aspergillus galactomannan antigen in serum or bronchoalveolar lavage bal fluid pack of 96 test , eight check control for hematology sysmax kx dash 21 , bio rad chemistry control l1 12 x 5ml , bio rad chemistry control l2 12 x 5ml , microalbumin flex malb kit of 80 tests siemens , micro albumin with cal pack of 1x5 ml oblique 2x25 ml pack of 100 test for em200 , micro albumin control pack of 1x1 ml for em200 , microprotein with cal pack of 10x12 ml pack of 512 test for em200 , chek stix combo siemens compatable with automated urine analyser , sterile swab stick for culture , india ink , semi auto haematology cell counter printing paper roll for , printer roll urine analyser , viral transport medium , sterile microtips with barrier filter dnase , protease free comma molecular grade in closed bott of 96 tips comma 5 ul to 200 ul barrier tips 20 dash 200ul racked sterile , barrier tips 0 point 1 dash 10ul racked sterile , terile microtips with barrier filter dnase comma rnase protease free comma molecular grade in closed box of 96 tips comma 10ul tp 1000ul pack of 960 tipsbarrier tips 1000ul racked sterile , elisa reader commathermal paper for , subroid agar , pt reagent kit of 25 tests , strip indicators for sterilisation control for testing sterility of drums , cled agar with thymol blue , cryptococcus latex antigen detection kit comma 70 tests , keto diastix bott of 50 strips , mac conkey agar , carbolic acid phenol bott of 500gm , thermal printer paper roll size 110mm x 20 mtr , halogen bulb12 v oblique 100w for pantahead microscope , halogen bulb 6v oblique 20w for microscope , sterile sample collection vial 50ml for collection of stool comma urine and sputum , pencil diomond marker , control plasma for prothrombin time test set of level 1 and level 2 pack of 12x1ml , control plasma for pttk test setoff level 1 and level 2 pack of 12x1ml , strip based rapid test kit for chikungunya , strip based rapid test kit for leptospira , paracheck for pv or pf comma kit of 50 malarial antigen in blood