Tender For providing of hiring of agency for iso certification service - iso 9001 - qualitymanagementsystem (qms); consulting, initial audit; training / awareness program on iso, framing relevant policy, framing relevant objectives, workshop on awareness of iso certificat..
Tender For providing of hiring of agency for iso certification service - iso 9001 - qualitymanagementsystem (qms), iso 14001 - environmental managementsystem (ems), iso 45001 - occupational health & safety managementsystem (ohas), iso 50001 energy managementsystem (e..
Tender For providing of hiring of agency for iso certification service - iso 9001 - qualitymanagementsystem (qms), iso 14001 - environmental managementsystem (ems), iso 45001 - occupational health & safety managementsystem (ohas); re-certification audit; workshop on awa..
Tender For corrigendum : providing of hiring of agency for iso certification service - iso 9001 - qualitymanagementsystem (qms), iso 14001 - environmental managementsystem (ems), iso 45001 - occupational health & safety managementsystem (ohas), iso 3834 latest version; consulting, in..
Tender For providing of hiring of agency for iso certification service - iso 9001 - qualitymanagementsystem (qms); consulting; workshop on awareness of iso certification for employees, guidance for documentation and implementation of relevant managementsystem, training /..
Tender For providing of hiring of agency for iso certification service - iso 9001 - qualitymanagementsystem (qms); re-certification audit, surveillance audit; guidance for documentation and implementation of relevant managementsystem
Tender For certification of integrated managementsystem certification of (a) iso 9001-2015: qms(qualitymanagementsystem), (b) iso 14001-2015: ems (environment managementsystem) and (c) iso 45001-2018: ohsms(occupational health & safety managementsystem) and its certification at carriage repair shop, tirupati, s.c. railway
Tender For providing of hiring of agency for iso certification service - iso 9001 - qualitymanagementsystem (qms), iso 14001 - environmental managementsystem (ems), iso 45001 - occupational health & safety managementsystem (ohas); re-certification audit, surveillance au..
Tender For short term tender has been invited by the directorate of minority for implementation of autonomous solution for classroom with ai-driven face recognition based student attendance, aong with food delivery tracking to students and student grievance redressal system under the minority welfare department in the acdemic year 2024-25 details are given below. interested bidders should apply through online mode under e-procurement portal the bidders will be selected under quality-cum cost-based selection (qcbs) and procedures described in this rfp