Tender For supply of wash point-pump water working pressure 45kg per cm2 , hydraulic ram , tyre removing machine , tyre inflater , co2 extinguisher , air compressor , nylon wire bride hose , gi, b class pipe , sliding jack-hydraulic trolley jack for light and heavy duty vehicles , pneumatic operated greasing machine -50 kg drum capacity , pneumatic operated greasing machine -25 kg drum capacity , battery charger , electric welding , gas welding set , puncture repair machine , grinding machine , bench vices-size 10 inch , digital insulation tester-megger , wheel balancing machine , battery cell tester , hydrometer , tool box trolley , battery operated trolley , vacuum cleaner , foot pump , clamp meter , portable spray or jet hot water washer , installation testing and commissioning charges
Tender For corrigendum : supply of camaboq - elesysy compatible with cobas e411 , vitamin b12cal setcompatible with cobas e411 , vitamin d3 elesysycompatible with cobas e411 , vitamin d3 elesysy cal setcompatible with cobas e411 , precontrol universalcompatible with cobas e411 , preci control veriacompatible with cobas e411 , clean cell compatible withcobas e411 , pro cell compatible with cobas e411 , assaywash compatible with cobas e411 , diluent universalcompatible with cobas e411 , blank cell compatible withcobas e411 , ise cleaning solution compatible with cobase411 , maintenance kit 6month compatible with cobas e411, maintenance kit 12month compatible with cobas e411 ,asysys cup compatible with cobus e411 , asysys tipcompatible with cobas e411 , anti a monoclonel , anti bmonoclonel , anti ab monoclonel , anti d igm monoclonel ,anti d igg igm monoclonel , anti coomsera ahg , bovinealbumin 22 percentage weight by vollume , hemocuemicrocuvette , micropipette tips 200 microliters ,micropipette tips 1000 microliters , edta vaccutainerpurple color , plain vaccutainer red color , steile lancetesblue color , btct glass capillary , tournicate size large ,wash bottle ldpe plastic 500 ml , rubber teat big size ,rubber teat small size , elisa fax thermal roll 57 mm 25metre , filter paper , insect fly killer tubelight 44 point 8 x 8point 8 x 7 point 3cm , vdrl shaker , portable blood centerrefrigerater for 30 blood bags , luggage carrier foldingtrolly , hot air oven 120 litre , glass thermometer forroom 76 mm 30 glass , domestic fridge , digital blood bagweighting scale , digital bp apparatus , blood bagcontainer for 30 blood bags , blood bag container for 15blood bags , blood bag container for 8 blood bags , bloodbag container for 4 blood bags , steel drum big size bag container for 4 blood bags , steel drum big size
Tender For corrigendum : supplying & installing nabl approved equipments for civil worktesting at piplaj hotmix plant for ahmedabad muncipal corporation.(amc) - electronic weighing balance -30 kg-1 gm, precision electronic balance-500 gm-0.01 gm (10 mg)-auto calibration, electronic weighing balance -5 kg-0.5 gm (500 mg), electronic platform balance-300 kg-50 gm-platform size 600 x 600 mm, high precision electronic balance -100 gm-0.001 gm (1 mg)- external calibration, water testing kit - hardness, water testing kit- sulphates, water testing kit chlorides, coarse sieves - 45 cm dia-g.i.-100.00 mm, fine sieve - 20cm dia-brass-10 mm, sieve shaker-gyratory-for 20/30 & 45cm dia sieves with digitaltimer, hot air oven-digital-45x45x45 cm-250c-inner s.s. chamber, liquid limit device - motorisedas per is : 2720 (partv) with revolution counter and grooving tools., pipette borosilicate glass - 1 ml, measuring cylinder - borosilicate glass - "0" bottom - 100 ml., water still-(ss 304)-(compact )-4 ltr/hour, compact cbr load frame-electrical-single speed, non nuclear density gauge (soil), rapid moisture meter-0 - 25 percentage with pressure gauge, standard penetration test apparatus with accessories - motorised, digital constant temp. waterbath for marshal test -6 moulds-100 mm, bitumen extractor - motorised with variable speed with digital rpm indicator with ac motor and drive, automatic compactor for marshal test - 4" dia specimen, unconfined compression tester-digital (marshal), ductility testing machine - digital temp control - refrigerated - is 1208, ring and ball apparatus-(programmable)-(digital)-(astm d36) with accessories, thin film oven - as per is 9382 as per is:9382., sand equivalent value test apparatus with accessories, sand equivalent mechanical shaker - motorized (astm d2419) with digital rpm indicator and digital timer, standard penetrometer for bitumen - automatic digital timer - dial gauge as per is 1203, is 1448. astm d5., saybolt viscometer - with digital controller and motorised stirrer - astm d88, pensky marten flash point apparatus-digital with motorised stirrer, asphalt content oven-(asphalt ignition oven)-(astm d6307), planetary mixer-for bituminous mix-digital- 20 ltrs, hardness tester for bitumen mastic asphalt with accessories, infrared thermometer - (-50c to 500 c), digital thermometer-(dtm 100)-300c-(cr/al (k))- with 12" long temp.probe, round hot plate-c.i. top-digital-20 cm, compression testing machine - 2000 kn-automatic pace rate controlled, compression testing machine - 2000 kn-digital - manual pacecontrol- auto calculation, cube mould-15 cm-isi marked u is:10086., concrete permeability tester - as per din 1048 - 3 cell - with air compressor, laboratory needle vibrato include 25mm needle with 6 meter long rubber shaft, laboratory concrete mixer-tilting drum type, vibrating table-100 x 100 cm, aggregate impact testing machine with blow counter, flow table (cement)-motorised - 25cm dia - m.s. top - is 5512, air entrainment meter - 0.005 cubic mtr - is: 1199 with accessories, los angeles abrasion testing machine - with presettable digital counter, riffle sample divider - g.i. 25mm - no. of slot : 16, electronic weighing balance -30 kg-1 gm, precision electronic balance-500 gm-0.01 gm (10 mg)-auto calibration, electronic weighing balance -5 kg-0.5 gm (500 mg), electronic platform balance-300 kg-50 gm-platform size 600 x 600 mm, high precision electronic balance -100 gm-0.001 gm (1 mg)- external calibration, water testing kit - hardness, water testing kit- sulphates, water testing kit chlorides, coarse sieves - 45 cm dia-g.i.-100.00 mm, fine sieve - 20cm dia-brass-10 mm, sieve shaker-gyratory-for 20/30 & 45cm dia sieves with digitaltimer, hot air oven-digital-45x45x45 cm-250c-inner s.s. chamber, liquid limit device - motorisedas per is : 2720 (partv) with revolution counter and grooving tools., pipette borosilicate glass - 1 ml, measuring cylinder - borosilicate glass - "0" bottom - 100 ml., water still-(ss 3
Tender For supply of heat resistant gloves for galley , hot melt gun glue kit , paint brush 3 inch , paint brush 1 inch , polythene bag 14x16x75 micron , polythene bag 14x20x75 micron , petroleum jelly , oil and grease remover , fevicol , gloves leather a , dust pan , fluorescent tape for night marking of emergency ways or lifebuoys , dry chemical powder , synthetic liquid detergent for industrial purpose , cloth flanet 4 by 2 , funnel 5 inch , emery cloth abrasive 11 x 9 isi grit 36 279mm x 227mm , cloth terry flax and cotton 36 width , cloth hessian medium 102cm wide , cloth emery bs 871 by 61 grade 1 , anti cockroach gel chalk , baygon spray , 9v battery , synthetic mat red , synthetic mat green , araldite adhesive , pvc flexible water hose 1 inch , torch cell 1 point 5v std , varnish , polythene film length 112 x width 18 x thk 0007