Tender For supply of battery operated raildrillingmachine rdso specification no. tm/sm/468 dated 31.03.2014 (revision second of 2020) [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For supply of battery-operated raildrillingmachine capacity from 18mm to 32mm as per rdso specification no. tm/sm/468 dated 31.03.2014 second revisi on 2020. [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For procurement of pway materials and tools and equipments for maintenance of track - red flags , green flags , keying hammer for mk v ercs , alloy spanner , adjustable spanner , hammer 2kg , plate screw tubular spanner , keymen bag , safety shoe , safety jacket , safety helmets , rain coat , whistle thunderer , tri- colour hand signal lamps or rechargeable led torch , safety chain and padlock , number plate 15 cm square , banner flag red , post for exhibiting red banner flag , spade or powarh , mortar pan , wall clock , pick axe , water pot or bucket , raildrilling beat 31.5 mm dia , erc clip applicator , punji or wire claw , raildrilling beat 26.5 mm dia , track jacks hydraulic 15 ton capacity , abrasive rail disc cutter , steel c- clamps with fittings , raildrilling beat 18 mm , shovel , rail tong , abrasive rail cutting disc , measuring tape 30 m , measuring tape 5 m , chamfering kit , prc sleepers lifting shifting chain , joggled fish plate rdso drg no t 5849 , rail dolly , umbrella , fish plate 1m long for 60 kg rail rdso drg no 5916 , raildrillingmachine , crowbar dia 25mm 5 feet long , rail thermometer , continuous rail thermometer , wooden block of hard wood , versine measurement kit , track cum gauge level , track cum gauge level for crossing and check rail , straight edge 1 m long made from special type of steel , straight edge 10 cm long made from special type of steel , off track tamper , dragon torch , caution board stand , speed indicator board 10 kmph , speed indicator board 15 kmph , speed indicator board 20 kmph , speed indicator board 30 kmph , speed indicator board 45 kmph , stop indicator board , mannual erc toe load measuring device , digital erc toe load measuring device , grease gun 5kg , allen key box , emary paper , lubricating oil , pwi kit , graphite grease , cleaning brush jute , cleaning brush steel , grass cutting machine , hand rammer , rope , jim crow , wooden handle for pick axe , wooden handle for powrah , gangboard with angle , pesticide for grass damage , pesticide sprayer machine with chargeable battery , tent for using on site , nut bolt dia 25mm 230mm long with washers each bag will contain approx 35 no nut bolt , hyadrulic rail tensor
Tender For supply of light weight battery operated raildrillingmachine suitable for 17.5mm raildrilling as per r dsospecification no- tm/sm/468, dt-31.03.2014 and as per attached technical specification. sets consistin g of specialdesign pressurize internal spindle for cooling with additional i) 05 nos tct core drill for 17.5 m m, ii) 03 nos pressurepin & spring, iii) 02 sets kit box. make lakshmi or equivalent. [ warranty period: 3 0 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For supply of battery operated raildrillingmachine as per rdso spec. no.tm/sm /468 dated 31.03.2014. [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For supply of raildrillingmachine rdso specification no: tm/sm/3dt. 19.11.1992) first revision, 2020 [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of d elivery ]
Tender For supply of raildrillingmachine(for drillingrails for bonding) as per rdso specification tm/sm/3 dt.19.1 1.1992 first revision 2020. [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]