Tender For track maintenance work including casual renewal of rail and other ancillary work for 02 years under the jurisdiction of sse/p.way/south/kir.
Tender For through rail renewal (primary) along with tfr of existing 60 kg 90 uts rails laid on psc-14 sleeper with new 60 kg 90uts/r260 rails (lwr) for 25.637 km in rksn-pdph, pdph-jrli,pdph-byx section under the jurisdiction of den(south)/ckp.
Tender For execution of the work of (i) through fittings renewal (tfr) of 123.806 tkm in various patches in pku-hlz & tmz-dgha section and (ii) through rail renewal (trr) primary (p) of 9.276 tkm in tmz-dgha section under the jurisdiction of sr.den/hq/kgp.
Tender For execution of the work of through rail renewal (trr) primary (p) of 57.092 tkm in tamluk-digha section under the jurisdiction of sr.den/hq/kgp.
Tender For through rail renewal-primary and through sleeper renewal-primary:-trr(p)-12.250km at isolated locations in mnm-rmm section and tsr-(p)-in bridges and bridge approaches of various bridges at isolated locations between tpj-mnm section (0.510km) and & dg-poy section(0.490kms)