Tender For providing of custom bid for services - outcome based contract of pest rodent control in railwaypassengercoaches maintained at coaching depotsyard shead of bhopal division wcr and rodent control in coaching depot yards line and premises for a period of 03 years
Tender For works contract for carrying out i) stain removal, clearing of debris & wastes, wrapping of toilet pans/commode, wash basin & dustbin and stickering works in railwaypassengercoaches (other than trainset coaches) and ii) water filling to check plumbing leakage in furnished coaches
Tender For providing of custom bid for services - pest and rodent control treatment in railwaypassengercoaches maintained at apdj coaching depot of apdj division for a period of 03 years
Tender For supply of natural and artificial fiber thermoset composite (naftc) sheet for roof paneling of railwaypassengercoaches to size 3048 mm x 1524 mm x 1.5mm
Tender For supply of naftc (natural & artificial thermoset composite) sheet spec. no. rdso /2016/cg-02 size : 3048 x 1524 x 1.5 mm colour : white, for roof paneling of railwaypassengercoaches. . [ warranty p eriod: 30 months after the date of delivery ]