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Railway Equipment Tenders

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Central Government/Public Sector

CTN :38605373 Due date: 13 Jan, 202513 Jan, 2025 NA
Tender For supply of shim for air spring (train-18 & emu-us bogies- packing for wheel wear ) to icf dr g. no. aaa05162 [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]

Central Government/Public Sector

CTN :38570067 Due date: 07 Jan, 202507 Jan, 2025 NA
Tender For manufacture and supply of one rake set of fully assembled bogies for vb train set consist ing of, 1. bogie general arrangement for dtc coaches (driving end) to drg no. ts/dtc (889)-0-0-001, a lt 'g', cols # 1 & 2 --- without items-7,11 & 12 # qty 2 nos. 2. bogie general arrangement for dtc coach es (rear end) to drg no.ts/dtc (889)-0-0-002, alt 'f', cols# 1 & 2 --- without items 7 & 10 # qty 2 nos. 3. bogie general arrangement for mc coaches to drg no.ts/mc(890)-0-0-002, alt 'e', cols # 1 & 2, --- wit hout item#9 & without traction motor in item 7 - qty-16 nos 4. bogie general arrangement for tc coac hes to drg no.ts/tc(891)-0-0-001, alt 'f', cols# 1 & 2, --- without item#6 - qty -8nos 5. bogie general a rrangement for ndtc/ec coaches to drg no.ts/ndtc/ec(893)-0-0-001, alt 'f', cols # 1 & 2, --- without it em-7- qty-4 nos. manufacturing of all the bogies shall be confirming to specification icf/ md/spec-391, issue status-01,rev-01 with amendment no-01. [ warranty period: 30 months aft er the date of delivery ]

Central Government/Public Sector

CTN :38568843 Due date: 06 Jan, 202506 Jan, 2025 NA
Tender For supply of lubricants/coating for fiat bogies in packing of 5 litres as blasol 135 of m/s fiat s witzerland or cortec vpci 368n or molytec ep of m/s stanvac chemicals india ltd. [ warranty pe riod: 30 months after the date of delivery ]

Central Government/Public Sector

CTN :38604046 Due date: 07 Jan, 202507 Jan, 2025 NA
Tender For bogie frame strengthening of 13t non-ac icf bogies with supply of materials

Central Government/Public Sector

CTN :38605130 Due date: 07 Jan, 202507 Jan, 2025 NA
Tender For supply of brake beam hanger modified for casnub bogies to rdso drg. no. sk-69597, alt. 43, item no.12, material and specification as per drg. [ warranty period: 30 months after the da te of delivery ]

Central Government/Public Sector

CTN :37477672 Due date: 19 Dec, 202419 Dec, 2024 NA
Tender For bid to ras corrigendum : sbulk procurement of friction wedges for casnub bogies of ntpc wagons

Central Government / Public Sector

CTN :38604681 Due date: 31 Dec, 202431 Dec, 2024 NA
Tender For supply of bogie centre pivot top (flat type ) for casnub 22 hs bogies conforming to r dso spec. no. wd17-casnub -22 hs bogie -92 rev.4 of sep-2024. to rdso drg no : wd-97049-s -03, item - 2, alt : 10. [ warranty period: 72 months after the date of delivery ]

Central Government / Public Sector

CTN :38604929 Due date: 06 Jan, 202506 Jan, 2025 NA
Tender For supply of brake beam hanger for canub bogies to rdso drg. no. sk-69597, alt. no.-42, item no .- 12 materail and specification as per drg [ warranty period: 60 months after the date of delivery ]

CTN :38567736 Due date: 19 Dec, 202419 Dec, 2024 NA
Tender For supply of bogie bolster arrangement for 180/150 kn air spring suspension bogie (20 ton axle bogies) to icf drg. no. dmu/dpc10-0-4-001, alt 'h' and icfs spec. no. icf/md/spec-147. material and spec. as per drg. [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]

CTN :38604966 Due date: 30 Dec, 202430 Dec, 2024 NA
Tender For supply of complete assembly of constant contact side bearer for boxns' lwlh bogies as per rdso's drw: wd-12007-s-01-alt-03 or latest, spec: wd-62-misc-17 amend-1. [ warranty period: 60 months af ter the date of delivery ]
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