Tender For signaling work in connection with track renewal work consisting of ctr,trr,tsr,ttr,isd, bcm/ttm/frm, rail replacement, gj replacement etc. to improve signal reliability under danapur division.
Tender For execution of through rail renewal (primary) i.e., trr(p) of 8.25 tr. km. in the section of panskura - haldia section under the jurisdiction of aden/tamluk.
Tender For kzj-ki, dkj-mugr & mtmi-jnpd sections: through rail renewal (p) for a total length of 0.38kms, through sleeper renewal (p) for a total length of 2.00kms , complete track renewal (s) with new wider base sleepers for a total length of 9.423 kms, complete track renewal (s) for a total length of 9.388 kms, through sleeper renewal (s) with new wider base sleepers for a total length of 4.424 kms, through fitting renewal for a total length of 103.338 kms,through ballast renewal by deep screening with bcm on main lines for a total length of 39.084 kms,through ballast renewal by deep screening with bcm on p&c for a total 15 nos, through ballast renewal by manual / bcm on loop lines for a total length of 1.688 kms, through turnout rail renewal (tws,cs,cmsc,wcmsc) for a total 58 nos, twsej for a total 30sets and gj for a total 80 nos under sr.den/south/scs section.