Tender For providing and laying 110 mm dia hdpe pipe line laying from petrol bunk munikrishnappa house to various streets of ward no.17 in cmc chickkaballapura limits
Tender For providing, lowering and jointing mainline and internal hdpe water supply pipe line for chinchani road baraskar nagar, idgah nagar, pirzade nagar and rade vasti at tasgaon dist- sangli.
Tender For special repair of roads ndmc area in r-iii division during 2024-25. sh- providing and laying hdpe pipe line of dia 250mm for discharge of storm water and sump pit and allied works at pump room africa avenue
Tender For laying hdpe pipe line from barjora unmesh hall to arjapolly damage by gp high drain construction work of barjora water supply scheme (left out mouzas of barjora block under b.r.g.f phase -i)
Tender For shifting of rising main 700 dia di (k9) and hdpe pipe line at makurgram more under bankura - i, ii and barjora block w/s scheme (brgf ph - i project)
Tender For 101/2024-25 work of providing, laying, jointing and commissioning various of hdpe pipe line pe-80 pn-06 of village akoda, gumanpura, korsina, mundiyagarh and shrirampura under jurisdiction under division jobner jaipur
Tender For 101/2024-25 work of providing, laying, jointing and commissioning various of hdpe pipe line pe-80 pn-06 of village akoda, gumanpura, korsina, mundiyagarh and shrirampura under jurisdiction under division jobner jaipur
Tender For operation and maintenance of rising main and delivery main pipe line (ci/di/hdpe/upvc) with all related structure of laudaha w/s scheme within gopiballavpur sub-division, under jhargram division phe dte. (for 12 months).
Tender For operation and maintenance of rising main and delivery main pipe line (ci/di/hdpe/upvc) with all related structure of ragra w/s scheme within gopiballavpur sub-division, under jhargram division phe dte. (for 12 months).