Tender For term contract for artificer work at zone b, consisting of type iii, iv, v, vi, estate office, health center, inspection bungalow, estate maintenance office, static watertank, store room for electrical maintenance, store cum site office, market
Tender For provision of covered hard standing near bldg. p-35 and addition/ alteration and special repairs to static watertank at ins hamla under ge (nw) bhandup
Tender For corrigendum : provn of aluminium partition in icu ward and 02 x iron chain gate for med store and qm store at 183 mh provn of 1 x 10000 ltrs static watertank near tok pump area of 27 (i) r and o flt and provn of sokage well septic tank and drain near building no t-96
Tender For tender for supply of live fish transportation tank , capacity 2000 lts , live fish transportation tank 1000 ltr , 120000 lacs egg per hour , graders fry and fingerling made of fiber glass , trout horizontal static hatching tank with trays , pvc and camouflage , digital and soil kit , digital turbidity , nephelo meter , digital thermomter for water , frp boat-8 persons , 1 hp paddle two wheel aerator , 3 hp paddle six wheel aerator
Tender For corrigendum : special repair replacement of street light oh conductor to ug cable and addn altn to static watertank swt to agument ff arrng in c zone at rms
Tender For provn of connecting road from 5 afsb permanent location to 19 wing, provn of miscellaneous br works, false flooring in server room of cpss building, weather shed for garage and top cover of static watertank at 5 afsb under ge (af) borjhar