Tender For providing of cleaning, sanitation and disinfection service - outcome based - office/commercial/institutions/residential; as per scope of work; indoor,cleaning, sanitation and disinfection service - outcome based - office/commercial/institutions/residential; as per scope of work; indoor,cleaning, sanitation and disinfection service - outcome based - office/commercial/institutions/residential; as per scope of work; as per scope of work,cleaning, sanitation and disinfection service - outcome based - office/commercial/institutions/residential; as per scope of work; as per scope of work
Tender For providing of cleaning, sanitation and disinfection service - outcome based - office/commercial/institutions/residential; as per scope of work; as per scope of work
Tender For providing of cleaning, sanitation and disinfection service - outcome based - office/commercial/institutions/residential; deep cleaning; outdoor,cleaning, sanitation and disinfection service - outcome based - office/commercial/institutions/residential; deep cleaning; outdoor,cleaning, sanitation and disinfection service - outcome based - office/commercial/institutions/residential; deep cleaning; indoor,cleaning, sanitation and disinfection service - outcome based - office/commercial/institutions/residential; general cleaning (sweeping, mopping, dusting); indoor and outdoor as per scope of work,cleaning, sanitation and disinfection service - outcome based - office/commercial/institutions/residential; disinfection spraying sanitization sprinkle bleaching and fogging; indoor and outdoor,collection & disposal waste management service - collection, lifting, transportation, unloading, segregation of garbage, ways of disposal; dry waste
Tender For providing of cleaning, sanitation and disinfection service - outcome based - office/commercial/institutions/residential; septic tank cleaning; outdoor,cleaning, sanitation and disinfection service - outcome based - office/commercial/institutions/residential; disinfection pest rodent and vector control work in railway premises; indoor and outdoor area,cleaning, sanitation and disinfection service - outcome based - office/commercial/institutions/residential; general cleaning (sweeping, mopping, dusting); outdoor,collection & disposal waste management service - collection, lifting, transportation, unloading, segregation of garbage, ways of disposal; dry waste