Tender For dnit for providing and laying cutting jointing and testing of 750mm and 400mm i/d di k7, 200mm - 315mm o/d upvc pipesewer, construction of brick masonry manhole chamber, mps including machinery, 400mm i/d di k-7 rising main, complete in all respects
Tender For providing, laying, cutting, jointing and testing of 250mm od upvc pipesewer to connect the area of rose enclave with main sewer backside swaran cinema and construction of brick masonry manhole chamber, dismantling of old sw pipesewer at faridkot
Tender For work of providing and laying 700mm dia rcc np-3 sewerline from varthur main road sumadhura nr lake apartment to link 900mm dia rccsewerline at varthur lake bund
Tender For corrigendum : tender document for survey, soil investigation, design, supply, laying, construction and commissioning of sewerline of 72 km under kanadiya stp area and 1 no. ips and pumping main including house service connection as per scope of work with 10 ye
Tender For corrigendum : survey, soil investigation, design, supply, laying, construction and commissioning of stp of 40 mld tigriya badshah and sewerline of 64 km and 1 no. ips of 30 mld and pumping main including house service connection as per scope of work with 10 y
Tender For corrigendum : survey, soil investigation, design, supply, laying, construction and commissioning of stp of 80 mld dhankhedhi and sewerline of 163 km and 1 no. mps of 80 mld and pumping main including house service connection as per scope of work with 10 years
Tender For tender for the work of providing & laying of 400mm dia rcc np3 class sewerline with construction of new mhs from jaguar show room, graphite india main road to beml layout entrance coming under aecs-1 s/s of aee(e)-1-1 sub division
Tender For 211/sew/bmc/2024-25. providing, laying and jointing of sewar line at soumitra vihar colony, rohit nagar phase-2 h.no. 100 to main sewerline, h.no. 292 main sewerline bawardiya kalan w-52 z-13