Tender For corrigendum : -estimate for r /w arrangement for 2 no. vill. i.e. majra kalan and jhook and const. of independent canal based w /w in vill majra kalan tehsil and distt. mahendergarh : r/w arrangement :- laying of 150 mm i/d d.i. out let pipe 20 m. , const. of rcc s v hodi 2.0 x 1.50 m., const. of 1 no. pc of size 8.54 x 3.96 m. , const. of brick masonery b / wall 120 m. , laying of 200 mm i/d di r/ w r / m 5100 m., const. of sump well 7.0 x 5.0 x 2.44 m., : prop. w/ w:- const. of 2 no. brick lining s and s tank 38 x 38 x 3.66 m. each, const. of s/ w for r/w 1.83 x 1.83 m., const. of s /w for c / w 1.83 x 1.83 m., const. of 1 no. p.c 8.54 x 3.96 m., const. of 1 no. staff room 3.66 x 3.05 m., const. of 1 no. high level tank 10.0 x 7.0 x 1.83 m., const. of 4 nos. filter beds 8.0 x 5.0 m., const. of b / wall 470 m., const. of 1 no. c.w.t. 10.0 x 7.0 x 1.83 m. distribution system, pumping machinery, electrical panel, specials of pumping machinery o and m of ww and all other works contingent there dnit cost rs. 236.97 lacs
Tender For design, construction/ successful testing & commissioning of 0.22 mgd rsfp including pst, clarifloculator, flush mixer, filter house & wash water disposal chamber incl. construction of clear water sump & design, construction/ successful testing & commissioning of 0.55 lac gallons rcc over head tank (oht) shell type with sluice chamber on "turn key basis", providing, laying & fitting of mains, sub mains and distribution system, construction of head works/intake works, chain link fencing around structures, approach road, dg shed, development of premises, construction of pump house cum operator quarter for wss narwa.(under ut capex)