Tender For corrigendum : providing of facility management services - lumpsum based - complete survey of medicinal plant biodiversity; complete survey of medicinal plant biodiversity; consumables to be provided by service provider (inclusive in contract cost)
Tender For carrying out preparation of feasibilty study for construction of rob on bassi shaheedgarh road in district fatehgarh sahib - topographic survey using total station etc., i) topographic survey using total station etc. depicting the existing ground features.ii) collection of any existing data available with the client.iii) gad preparation of rob showing all necessary components i.e. horizontal, vertical profile, vertical clearances, fixation of railway spans according to the standard rdso drawings, preparation of approach road plan & profile, its junctions at grade, service road profile etc. complete in all respect as per engineering incharge., add gst
Tender For amtc estimate for water supply scheme of hassanpur town. topographical survey and consultancy service preparation of estimate dpr dnit for water supply in the hassanpur town.
Tender For amtc estimate of sewerage scheme in hassanpur town. topographical survey and consultancy service preparation of estimate dpr dnit for de silting of sewerage pipe line in the hassanpur town
Tender For providing of facility management services - lumpsum based - hiring of consultant service for socioeconomic survey and dpr preparation; for establishment of interpretation centre; consumables to be provided by service provider (inclusive in contract cost)
Tender For providing of facility management services - lumpsum based - hiring of consultant service for biodiversity environment; flora faunaand environment assessment survey; consumables to be provided by service provider (inclusive in contract cost)
Tender For corrigendum : tender document for survey, soil investigation, design, supply, laying, construction and commissioning of sewer line of 72 km under kanadiya stp area and 1 no. ips and pumping main including house service connection as per scope of work with 10 ye
Tender For corrigendum : survey, soil investigation, design, supply, laying, construction and commissioning of stp of 40 mld tigriya badshah and sewer line of 64 km and 1 no. ips of 30 mld and pumping main including house service connection as per scope of work with 10 y
Tender For corrigendum : survey, soil investigation, design, supply, laying, construction and commissioning of stp of 80 mld dhankhedhi and sewer line of 163 km and 1 no. mps of 80 mld and pumping main including house service connection as per scope of work with 10 years