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Reflax Glass Tenders

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State Government

CTN :38879010 Due date: 07 Feb, 202507 Feb, 2025 NA
Tender For supply of physics lab equipement for government pm shri higher secondary schools - spring balance , magnetic compass , set of three resistors 5 ohm, 10 ohm and 15 ohm , bar magnet , ring magnet , disk magnet , u-shaped magnet , aluminum pipe , slinky , one way key , laboratory , stand assembly , 1) m.s. rod , 2) boss head , 3) base , 4) clamp , connecting wire crocodile clips , connecting wire banana clips , metal cylindrical with hook , pendulum ball with hook , split rubber cork , thread , concave mirror , convex mirror? , lens double convex , lens double concave , prism , glass slab , plano concave , double convex lens , half cylindrical lens , cell holder , copper strip , enameled cupper wire , nichrome wire , nichrome wires , constantin wire , multicore flexible insulated electric , copper wire , 250g weight with hook , me , ray steak bex , protector (half) , plane mirror strips , beaker 50m , stirrer , multimeter with battery , laboratory thermometer , (i) perspex lens holder , (ii) screen holder , (iii) candle holder , wooden scale/ optical bench , screen , candle , thumb pins , sand paper , pulley with frame & rod , plastic box big , plastic box small , stop clock mechanical , kit box , physical balance , beam balance , i am meter , tuning fork , inclined plane , half cut wight half k.g , heat meter , ruber pad , apparatus of gravesend , searls apprators , spirit lewel , wight of box of 50 gm , meter scale , vernierca llipers , screw meter , capillary tube , joules calorie meter , newtons law of cooling apparatus , battery eliminalor , resonance ammeter , voltmeter , galvan meter , laclanche cell , power meter , danial cell , sanchayak cell , two direction plag , low registance box , sandpaper , optical pin , two way key , one way key , pheostat , pnp and npn transistors , zener diode , milliammeters , glass slab , high resistance box , multi meter , drawing board , hanger spitted weight , hooke's law , meter bridge , logic gate kit

Central Government/Public Sector

CTN :38771459 Due date: 21 Jan, 202521 Jan, 2025 NA
Tender For supply of physics screw driver set, soldering wire 100 gms, soldering gun 25 watts, soldering wax paste 30 gms, wire dcc 15 mtrs coil of 100 gms 22 swg, thread roll, drawing pins bush pin type pkt of 50 nos, ohms law apparatus with built in dc power supply model 651, voltmeter with desk stand rectangular dc 10 bolts, ammeter with desk stand rectangular dc 1 amps, ammeter with desk stand rectangular dc 3 amps, galvanometer 30 hyphen 0 hyphen 30 dc with mount moving coil 20 ua, resistance box magnin coil 1 hyphen 500 ohms 1 by 2 blocks a , resistance bix magnin coil 10000 ohms 1 by 2 block a grade export quality, lens convex 2 5 cms fl hyphen 10 cms, lens concave 2 5 cms fl hyphen 10 cms, mirror convex 2 50 mm focal length 10 export quality, mirror concave 2 50 mm focal length 10 export quality, pn junction diode semi conductor diode characteristic appt mtrs, battery elimnator 2 hyphen 12 volts 2 amps dc rotary type heavy duty , rheostat 200 mm 55 ohms 1 point 8 amps square rod export quality, rheostat 200 mm 135 ohms 1 point 2 hyphen amps square rod export quality, wheat stone bridge meter bridge 18 mm wooden bed copper , magnet bar alnico 50 mm extra strength parco type export quality, magnet horse shoe alnico 50 mm 2inches superior quality, magnetic compass both side glass 19 mm, lens reading magnifier with bakelite handle brass frame 75 mm 3 fl 20 superior quality, battery cell 9 volts hyphen 6f22 square, battery cell 1 point 5 volts hyphen c size eveready, battery cell 1 point 5 volts hyphen aaa duracell , led different colours red green yellow and white, iron metal filings cp 100 gm, multimeter analog, resistance coil 5 ohms magnin coil a grade, resistance coil 10 ohms magnin coil a grade, l d r different colours, plug key 1 way heavy superior, wire nichorme 100 gms, wire eureka constantan 26 g 100 gms approx 50 mtrs

Central Government/Public Sector

CTN :38821980 Due date: 25 Jan, 202525 Jan, 2025 NA
Tender For supply of litmus paper , ph paper , concave mirror , convex mirror , convex lens , concave lens , prism , glass slab , bar magnet , horse shoe magnet , magnet compass , iron filings , reagent bottle , tuining fork , dropper glass , dropper plastic , conical flask100ml , morter pestle set , chart of binary fission set amoeba , chart of binary fission set budding in hydra , chart of binary fission set fragmentation in spirogyra , chart of binary fission set human digestive system , ph indicator , brox powder , filter paper , permanent slides of protozoa , permanent slides of bacteria , permanent slides of yeast , gum , gum glue stick , punch , stapler , stapler pin , cello tape , vim gel , towel big , towel small , dusting cloth , salt , beaker , test tube , measuring cylinder glass , battery eliminator , spherical mirrors of different focal length , convex lens of different focal length , concave lens of different focal length , prism equilateral , prism right angle , hallow prism , resistance wix , connecting wire , acetone , copper sulphate , sulphuric acid , ammonium molybdate , sodium nitroprusside , magnessium sulphate , mangenese dioxside , mohr s salt , copper chops , zinc granules , ethyl alcohal , ferric chloride , potassium bromide , ammonium hydroxide , ammonium chloride , ammonium carbonate , methyl orange , phenolphthlein , acetic acid , lead acetate , sodium carbonate
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