Tender For supply of set of additional safety sling for compressor to loco body on soft mount side of 3 phase electric locomotives as per sc.rly.drg.no. c/els/lgd/aux/3/43 alt1 (ref 1 to 9). set details are shown as annexure-a . [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For dismantling, loading, transportation and recommissioning of quetcos lt20 lathe, electric grinder and air compressor from old workshop to newly constructed workshop deployed at karma ocp, kuju area.
Tender For repair of electric and electronic equipments-, in, rewinding of ceiling fan 48,", b, c, rewinding of ceiling fan 36", 2, rewinding of ceiling fan 60", b, rewinding of exhaust fan 15" 12, rewinding of exhaust fan 18", rewinding of exhaust fan 24", 3, rewinding of 1.0 hp booster motor pump with repairing, 4, rewinding of 1.5 hp booster motor pump with repairing, 5, replacement of ball bearing of celling fan 48", 56' 60", 6, replacement of ball bearing of exhaust fan 12", a, 15, b, 0, 18", 7a, 24", b, replacement of capacitor 2.5 mfd, replacement of capacitor 4.0 mfd/3.15 mfd, d, replacement of capacitor 5.0 mfd, 8, replacement of capacitor 10 mfd, 9a, replacement of gun metal bush for fan and motor pump, 5/f- of exhaust pan with frame 18-900rpm, /1400r pm 12"-900/1400 24"-900/1400rpm khatan/havells and equivalent, 10, 11, a , b , 12, 13, repairing of assorted size cooler cabinet with wood, wood pipe, bend tee 7 jalli and t&p , new submersible motor pump for cooler bansal , 8 no. 16watt , 12 no 35 watt , s/f new 06 ac vertical motor pump for cooler khatan / bansal and equivalent. , s/f new 10 ac horizontal motor pump for cooler khatan / bansal and equivalent. , 14, s/f new cooler tonkin of 20gauge in gi sheet , 15, s/f new cooler cabinet of 22gauge in gl sheet with all respective matarial , 16, cooler stand in angle iron frame , 17, s/f of asbestos sheet , 18a , b , 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, b , d-, s/f of rubber pipe 3/4" , s/f of rubber pipe 1" , service ro plant , service of baby warmer , repairing of monitor , puls oxymeter , spare part for repairing of ac 1.5 ton and 2 ton , running capacitor , starting capacitor , relay, , over load protector, , thermostat, , selector switch , capacitor, , condenser fan. , f-, fan motor , h , + , ? , k-, capillary, strainer, , condenser coil , cooling coil and gas charging. , 24(a) , repairing of fan motor for ac 1.5 ton , (b) , 25a , b , 26a , b , 2.0 ton , repl. of compressor for ac 1.5 ton , repl. of compressor for ac 2 ton , repl. of compressor for ac 1.5 ton , repl. of compressor for ac 2 ton , 27a , repressing of comp. system for ac, b , 28(al , 1.5 ton , repressing of comp. system for ac 2 ton , service overhauling ac 1.5 ten , b) , servicing & overhauling ac 2.0 ton , f , h , 29, spare part of refrigerators , -, b , d , starting capacitor, , running capacitor, , relay , overload protector switch. , thermostat, , selector switch , fan motor capacitor, , fan condenser , i , compressor, , stranger, , k , repossessing of system, , cooling condenser coil , 31, preparing of water cooler with spare parts , stanting capacitor , b , rumming capacitor , c , relay , d , overload protector switch , e , thermostat , f , h , selector switch , fan motor capacitor. , fan condenser, , compressor. , sttangor, , k , repossessing of system, , cooling condenser coil, , 32a , services charge of water cooler 25 ltr... , b , 50 ltr. , c , 150 lar , d , 200 ltr. , 33, repairing of auto voltage stabilizer 1.0 , kva , b , 2.0, kva , 3.0, kva , d , 40, kva , 5.0, xva , f , 6.00 kva , 34a , transformer 24x150kw , b , 12 x150 kw , 35, compressor (scroll type 8.3 tr , 36, compressor iscroll type) 5.5 tr, 37a , generator 125 kva , b , 250 kva , d , 400 kva , 38a , 625 kva , b , deep freeze-02 to 6 , c , deep freeze-20 , d , deep freeze -40 , 39, deep freeze -80 , lift (kone otis and other)
Tender For one-time repair and overhauling of electric driven rotary screw type air compressor, capacity 1000cfm/10.5kg/cm2, make: elgi equipments, compressor fab no. bril 100038 of dls/bndm
Tender For set of safety sling for main compressor consisting of two items as follows: (i) safety sling for main co mpressor of wag9/wap7 locos as per rly drg.no.c/els/lgd/aux/4/39 alt-1 along with u clamps 4 nos. per sling an d hex head bolt m16x65 (steel en24). - 4 nos. per sling and other hard ware accessories.-1 no./set-. (ii) additional s afety sling for compressor to loco body on soft mount side of 3 phase electric locomotives as per sc.rly. drg.no. c/ els/ lgd/ aux/3/43 alt1 (ref 1 to 9). set details annexure-a attached.-1 set. note: (1) one sample should be got approved before effecting bulk supply. (2) load test certificate obtained from government approval lab to be provi ded along with supply [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For corrigendum : upgradation augmentation of shot blasting equipment and shot blasting room including replacement of three motor driven screw lp air compressor for upgradation augmentation of production shop floor (ab and ac bay) at ins eksila - upgradation/ augmentation of shot blasting equipment and shot blasting room including replacement lp air compressor as indicated in part-ii of rfp consists of the following:-, dismantling and degutting of lp air compressors along with all associated equipments and shifting work as specifiied in para 1(1.1)(a) part ii of rfp., lp air compressor, lp air compressor as specifiied in para 3 (3.1) part ii of rfp., dryer unit as specifiied in para 3 (3.1) part ii of rfp., air receiver tank (2000 liters) as specifiied in para 3 (3.1) part ii of rfp., air filter as specifiied in para 3 (3.1) part ii of rfp., acoustic canopy as specifiied in para 4 (4.1)(a) & (b) part ii of rfp., electric power distribution board/ control panel as specifiied in para 4 (4.1)(d) part ii of rfp., dismantling and degutting of shot blasting system along with all associated equipments and shifting work as specifiied in para 1.2 of part ii of rfp., shot blasting system, protection liner & rubber lining as specifiied in para 3(3.2) part ii of rfp., recovery unit as specifiied in para 3(3.2) part ii of rfp., dust collector & exhaust system as specifiied in para 3(3.2) part ii of rfp., shot blasting unit as specifiied in para 3(3.2) part ii of rfp., all other items associated with main eqipment which are mentioned in part ii of rfp [ex para 6(a) & 6(b) etc] part ii of rfp)., civil work for (refers to para 8 of part ii of rfp)., standard accessories (refers to para 9 of part ii of rfp), two years operation & maintenance spares (refers to para 10 of part ii of rfp), special maintenance tools and test equipment (refers to para 11 of part ii of rfp), technical literature / certificates / documentation (refers to para 13 of part ii of rfp), acceptance, testing, trials and commissioning charges (refers to para 14 of part ii of rfp), training (refers to para 16 of part ii of rfp), any other item such as transportation, insurance, freight, packing etc, notes:1. cost of item listed at sl 1 to 12 and 13 (if applicable) are to be quoted in the respective rows of the price bid sheet. 2. bidder not permitted to include cost of items listed at sl 6 to 13 with sl 1 to 5 as lumpsum amount 3. bidder required to mandatorily quote for sl 1 to 5 and 12 failing which bid shall be treated as non bonafide and liable for rejection.4. bidders are mandatorily to quote gst/ taxes as applicable against each serials, falling which bid shall be treated as non bonafide and liable for rejection.
Tender For hiring of agency for providing operation and comprehensive maintenance service of gas engine driven (ged) and electric motor driven (emd) cng compressor at ambala-kurukshetra and kolhapur ga