Tender For supply of agroecology and sustainable food systems print version , american scientist print version , british journal of educational psychology print version , british journal of educational technology print version , business economics print version , development policy review print version , educational media international print version , educational research print version , harvard business review print version , impact assessment and project appraisal print version , international journal of entrepreneurship and innovation management print version , international journal of technology enhanced learning print version , journal of agricultural education and extension online only , journal of creative behavior print version , journal of higher education policy and management print version , journal of management print version , journal of marketing print version , journal of marketing research print version , journal of technical writing and communication print version , leadership print version , national geographic print version , nature climate change print version , outlook on agriculture print version , science print version , science communication print version , sociological methods and research print version , studies in educational evaluation print version , technological forecasting and social change print version , the journal of strategic information systems print version , the journal of supply chain management print version , the journal of world intellectual property print version , transactional analysis journal print version , world patent information print version , agricultural economics research review print version , agricultural reviews print version , asian jr. of management cases print version , awishkar print version , down to earth print version , indian journal of agricultural marketing print version , indian journal of extension education print version , indian journal of horticulture print version , indian journal of public administration print version , iup journal of accounting research and audit practices print version , iup journal of management research print version , iup journal of organizational behaviour print version , journal of human values print version , journal of indian academy of appled psychology print version , journal of indian school of political economy print version , journal of the indian society of agril. statistics print version , kheti print version , kisan world print version , kurukshetra print version , leisa india print version , metamorphosis print version , nisargopachar vartha print version , opsearch print version , phal-phool print version , psychological studies print version , science and culture print version , science reporter print version , social change print version , swamy s news print version , tropical ecology print version as per tender document , university news print version , vikalpa print version , vision print version , yojana print version , economic and political weekly print version and online version
Tender For supply of book - a colour handbook on practical plant pathology , a competitive book of agriculture , a handbook of organic farming , a text book of soil physics , a textbook of fertilizers , a textbook of fungi, bacteria and viruses , a textbook of plant physiology , a textbook of plant physiology, biochemistry and biotechnology , a textbook of soil chemical analysis , advances in environmental remote sensing sensors, algorithms, and applications , agricultural economics , agricultural microbiology , agriculture extension , agrios plant pathology , agronomy treatise , an introduction to fungi , an introduction to the physiology and handling of fruits, vegetables and ornamentals , applications of soil physics , applied hydrology , applied social psychology in india , basic horticulture , basic laboratory skills the protocol series - volume 02 , cad cam principles, practice and manufacturing management , commercial chicken production manual , commercial ornamental crops cut flowers , commercial ornamental crops traditional and loose flowers , communication skills a practical guide , concise agronomy , decoding communication a complete handbook , descriptive and objective soil science , design and analysis of experiments , design of agricultural machinery , dictionary of agricultural chemicals , drinking water quality assessment and management , dynamics of fluid flow in porous media , ecology and equity. the use and abuse of nature in contemporary india , econometrics , economics of farm productionand management , elementary genetics , encyclopaedia of applied plant breeding, 2 vols. set , encyclopaedia of pathology, 2 vols. set , encyclopedia of soils in the environment , engineering for agricultural drainage , entrepreneurship development in food processing , entrepreneurship in agricultural development , environmental control systems heating, cooling, lighting , environmental law and policy in india cases, materials and statutes , environmental soil physics fundamentals, applications, andenvironmental considerations , essence of horticulture , essentials of management , experiments in soil biology and biochemistry , fal vigyan hindi , farm mechanization costs and methods , feeds and principles of animal nutrition , fertilizers a text book , field crops seed production technology principles and practices , floriculture and landscaping , flow in open channel , flower breeding and genetics issues, challenges and opportunities for the 21st century , food engineering operations , food microbiology , forage crop production in the tropics , forage crop production. principles and practices , fruit and vegetable preservation , fruit and vegetable preservation principles and practices , fruit breeding , fruit production major fruits , fundamental of geographic information system , fundamental of plant physiology , fundamentals of agronomy , fundamentals of applied statistics , fundamentals of extension education and management in extension , fundamentals of genetics , fundamentals of plant bacteriology , fundamentals of plant physiology , fundamentals of weather and climate , general concepts in integrated pest and disease management , genetic diversity and phenotypic stability in crop plants , genetic resources, chromosome engineering, and crop improvementvegetable crops , genetics , genetics , genome mapping and molecular breeding in plants- vegetables , genome-wide association studies and genomic prediction. , genomics of plant genetic resources, volume 1. managing, sequencing and mining genetic resources , glaustas horticulture , green economics, an introduction to theory, policy and practice , greenhouse management for horticultural crops , ground water hydrology , groundwater modelling and management , guide book of fruit diseases , handbook of agricultural economics. vol.i. agricultural production , handbook of agroforestry , handbook of cucurbits growth, cultural practices and physiology , handbook of food analysis - two volum
Tender For work of information security management system (isms) implementation compliance to all the cert-in, central electricity authority (cea) cyber security guidelines 2021, in power sector, including certification for iso 27001 2022 for it and ot systems
Tender For winds implementation partner (wip) for setting up of automatic weather station (aws) and automatic rain gauge (arg) and providing weather datasets as per guidelines of weather information network and data systems(winds)
Tender For supply of institute library books - a colour handbook on practical plant pathology , a competitive book of agriculture , a handbook of organic farming , a text book of soil physics , a textbook of fertilizers , a textbook of fungi, bacteria and viruses , a textbook of plant physiology , a textbook of plant physiology, biochemistry and biotechnology , a textbook of soil chemical analysis , advances in environmental remote sensing sensors, algorithms, and applications , agricultural economics , agricultural microbiology , agriculture extension , agrios plant pathology , agronomy treatise , an introduction to fungi , an introduction to the physiology and handling of fruits, vegetables and ornamentals , applications of soil physics , applied hydrology , applied social psychology in india , basic horticulture , basic laboratory skills the protocol series - volume 02 , cad cam principles, practice and manufacturing management , commercial chicken production manual , commercial ornamental crops cut flowers , commercial ornamental crops traditional and loose flowers , communication skills a practical guide , concise agronomy , decoding communication a complete handbook , descriptive and objective soil science , design and analysis of experiments , design of agricultural machinery , dictionary of agricultural chemicals , drinking water quality assessment and management , dynamics of fluid flow in porous media , ecology and equity. the use and abuse of nature in contemporary india , econometrics , economics of farm productionand management , elementary genetics , encyclopaedia of applied plant breeding, 2 vols. set , encyclopaedia of pathology, 2 vols. set , encyclopedia of soils in the environment , engineering for agricultural drainage , entrepreneurship development in food processing , entrepreneurship in agricultural development , environmental control systems heating, cooling, lighting , environmental law and policy in india cases, materials and statutes , environmental soil physics fundamentals, applications, andenvironmental considerations , essence of horticulture , essentials of management , experiments in soil biology and biochemistry , fal vigyan hindi , farm mechanization costs and methods , feeds and principles of animal nutrition , fertilizers a text book , field crops seed production technology principles and practices , floriculture and landscaping , flow in open channel , flower breeding and genetics issues, challenges and opportunities for the 21st century , food engineering operations , food microbiology , forage crop production in the tropics , forage crop production. principles and practices , fruit and vegetable preservation , fruit and vegetable preservation principles and practices , fruit breeding , fruit production major fruits , fundamental of geographic information system , fundamental of plant physiology , fundamentals of agronomy , fundamentals of applied statistics , fundamentals of extension education and management in extension , fundamentals of genetics , fundamentals of plant bacteriology , fundamentals of plant physiology , fundamentals of weather and climate , general concepts in integrated pest and disease management , genetic diversity and phenotypic stability in crop plants , genetic resources, chromosome engineering, and crop improvementvegetable crops , genetics , genetics , genome mapping and molecular breeding in plants- vegetables , genome-wide association studies and genomic prediction. , genomics of plant genetic resources, volume 1. managing, sequencing and mining genetic resources , glaustas horticulture , green economics, an introduction to theory, policy and practice , greenhouse management for horticultural crops , ground water hydrology , groundwater modelling and management , guide book of fruit diseases , handbook of agricultural economics. vol.i. agricultural production , handbook of agroforestry , handbook of cucurbits growth, cultural practices and physiology , handbook of food a
Tender For supply of journals - aeronautical journal , india strategic , dalal streetinvestment journal , vigyan pragathi hindi , digit , forbes india , harvard business review , security today , defence science journal , advanced materials and processes , air international , air power journal , chanakya aerospace defence and maritime review , flight international , force , indian defence review , janes defence and intelligence review , journal of aerospace sciences and technologies , journal of the institution of engineers india series c , vayu aerospace and defence review , indian factories and labour reports , labour law reporter , cims update prescribers handbook , goods and services tax cases the gst weekly , desidoc journal of library and information technology , aviation week and space technology , mechanical engineering , aerospace science and technology , sae international journal of aerospace , journal of manufacturing process , armada international , journal of aerospace engineering , electronics for you , pc quest , journal of manufacturing systems , international journal of intelligent unmanned systems , unmanned systems
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Tender For design, engineering, procurement and construction (in epc mode) of bio safety laboratory (bsl-2 and bsl-3) at aiims rajkot, gujarat - price schedule, planning, designing and civil construction on epc basis of bsl 2, bsl 3 lab and admin building with support services & allied facilities by incorporating stipulated specifications as per part v & part vi of tender section i (building construction, yard development, retaining wall, stp & etp works) and & all services including handing over complete, planning, designing and providing on epc basis of bsl 2, bsl 3 lab with support services & allied facilities by incorporating stipulated specifications as per part v & part vi of tender - section ii (mep and elv works - lan, epabx system, cctv system, fire safety system, public address system, external surveillance, information display system, access control system, etc.) and & all services including handing over complete, planning, designing and providing on epc basis of bsl 2, bsl 3 lab with support services & allied facilities by incorporating stipulated specifications as per part v & part vi of tender section iii (specialized bsl lab works - hvac, bms, epoxy flooring, paneling, filters) and & all services including handing over complete, providing on epc basis of bsl 2, bsl 3 lab with support services & allied facilities by incorporating stipulated specifications as per part v & part vi of tender section iv (sitc of laboratory equipments & systems)
Tender For setting of drone lab and upgrdation of ai lab-(a) set up of a drone lab and up-gradation of ai lab at air hangar. (b) hardware indicated at subsequent paragraphs as per the specifications and quantity need to be provided. (c) requisite software towards operationalizing the lab along with hardware to be provided by the vendor. (d) following item needs to be provided by vendor: (i) qty one fully operational drone as per the indicated specifications (including tools, testers, spares and requisite accessories) for hands on experience (minimum specification annexed). (ii) qty two training/demonstration models with provision of assembly & disassembly of various sub-systems / sub-assemblies for better technical appreciation (minimum specification annexed). (e) qty two computer-based simulators with remotecontroller for hands on experience on flying of drones. (f) test jigs related to various major components of the drone should be provided. the test jigs should include (not limited to) thrust bench for motor performance testing. (g) ai based video analytics hardware/ software as per the minimum specifications annexed. (h) the vendor need to undertake networking of entire lab set up with capability of extending to at least 16 terminals including necessary hardwires. (i) installation and operationalization of the lab along with all the hardware supplied by the vendor at customer premises. installation should include provision and setting up of pvc foam boards indicating instructions, information, safety board and other training requirements. the vendor need to provide 3d model design of the lab layout along with technical proposal considering the space availability and aesthetics of the lab.-quantity - 1- msme exemption - yes | startup exemption - yes
Tender For providing of repair, maintenance, and installation of plant/ systems/equipments (version 2) - special work package for under water routines of icgs apoorva; special work package of icgs apoorva; as per terms and information minutes