Tender For supply of consumable items like dental burs, gi cement, paper points, dental filling material, ite ms for root canal, tooth polishing & finishing products, gatta parcha points, dental disposable tips, re agents used in laboratory testing, tubes, slides, pathology & diagnostic test kits & strips, ecg rolls & gel, x-ray films etc ]
Tender For supply of tc booklet with school name printed , student daily attendance register of class vi to xii , staff attendance register , teachers diaries lesson plan revised according to back to basics , class wise daily teachers diary , order book , service book revised with latest instruction as per chaudhari s , character certificate book , admission and withdrawal register , generator log book , vehicle log book , blank register 1 quire ruled , blank register 2 quire ruled , file tag nylon , daily consumption report register mess 300 pages register , mess attandence register house mess , duty master report register mod , t abill forms loose sheets cs17 , ta da delcaration form cs 17a , stock register non-consumable , stock register consumable , miscellanious receipt and payment register , leave salary and pension contribution ac register cs28 , losses write off acc register , dispatch registr cs30 , student identity card , gate entry register , out pass register , night roll call register , hostel night attendance register , p t morning attendance register , class absentee diary , hostel equipment distribution register for student , toilet item issue register , uniform distribution register , medicines issue register , register of funds received form nvs , daily attendance register on superior paper with an additional sheet for details about the students , lecture attendance register , receipt books for miscellanious income , casual leave register , earned leave register , medical reimbursement forms , movement register , loss and damage register for each laboratory , examination answer book 11x 9 8 pages , supplimentry answer sheets 11x9 4 pages , stationary issue register , bedding items distribution register , file cover with single fold , file board , four folder file , practical note book general science and maths , geography practical book , drawing book 40 pages , graph book 32 pages , envelop size 254 x 44 cm 4 x45 , envelop size 12 x 10 inch 3048x25 4 cm , application for advance form cpf gpf account , application for final withdrawal from cpf gpf account , note sheet , a4 size paper for certificate printing light green , white board marker pen blue , white board marker pen black , white board marker ink blue , white board marker ink black , long exercise book 140 pages , geometry box doms , sharpner doms , cello pen blue , plastic scale , rubber erazor , chart paper
Tender For providing of repair and overhauling service - 4362 calibration of laboratory equipment and glassware with anticipatory consumable spares; laboratory equipment and glassware with anticipatory consumable spares; yes; buyer premises
Tender For custom bid for services - annual maintenance contract for ground support equipment- this scope of work for is for the engagement of a technical person qualified with a minimum diploma in mechanical engineering, for the amc of ground support and equipment (gse).the technical person will be deployed to manage and maintain all gse items. the scope of workinclude preventing, maintenance, repairs the scope of work under proposed amc comprises of:- (a) painting of all items of gse at least twice in a year or whenever required will be carried out bythe contractor. the paint will be supplied by the contractor. (b) the consumables spare including lubrication oil (servo 68, air compressor lub oil), hoses,filters, cables, plugs, seals, washers, pins, circlips, brushes for painting, cleaning material (includingsoap/ detergent, cloth, rag pieces, etc), gauges, sight glass, other plastic/rubber components,adapters, wheels, tyres, bearings, bushes, beading, all jack consumable spares (o-ring, springs,metallic bearing, bushes, metallic washers & grease), required for undertaking scheduled/ periodicalservicing and repair of the gse enclosed are to be supplied by the contractor. (c) the scheduled/periodical servicing of gse as per list attached and repairs- wheneverwarranted. (d) the cost of consumable require for scheduled/ periodical servicing of gse will be borne by the contractor. (e) the contractor shall cater for one in number qualified technician(diploma in mechanica!engineering) for five days in a week for carrying out routine inspection and servicing of gse. all the maintenance and repair activities are to be undertaken by suitable qualified technical personnel and within reasonable time frame as decided mutually by customer and contractor. working hours of unit(icgae goa/ 800 sqn) will be followed by the contractor's repair/ maintenance team. the leaverelief is to be provided by the contractor well in advance and the same is to be intimated to the unit.the leave relief needs to be qualified, knowledgeable and well conversant with the available gse. (f) calibration of gauges as per servicing schedule by nabl accredited laboratory is to beundertaken within contract and calibration certificate needs to be provided. (g) hydro static test (hst) of nitrogen cylinder and lp compressor is to be undertaken withincontract, if due. (h) replacement of gauges if unserviceable is to be undertaken within contract. -msme exemption - yes | startup exemption - no
Tender For supply of chemical glassware and laboratory consumable - list 1 chemicals , list 2 glasswares , list 3 plasticware , list 4 chemicals , list 5 glasware , list 6 chemicals , list 7 chemicals