Tender For supply of equipments for industrial drives and control laboratory - list of equipments, voltage current and powermeasurement in single phase accircuitmeasurement of power by using various loads. analog voltmeter 0-300v ac panel mounted. analog ammeter 0-5a ac panel mounted. analog wattmeter 1.5kw ac panel mounted. single digital power monitor to measurepower. single phase ac lamp load 230v/5a 1kw. panel enclosure with iylem front panel withinput/output terminal outlets, construct led circuit with currentlimiting resistor. power source 0-9v variable dc. led 3mm white. led 3mm rgb. variable resistance. pcb mounted with terminal outlets and boxenclosure, construct dc regulated powersupply unitdc power supply circuit with discrete components to assemble and test the voltage and differentwaveforms with transformer,diodes, regulator ic5v/12v dc , pcb and box enclosure, demonstrate the working of mcband elcbdemonstration and testing of mcb and elcb byshort circuit test, earth fault test and load test by usinglamp load. single pole mcb 2-5amps. two pole elcb 30ma. lamp load single phase 5amps. panel enclosure and terminal outlets, logic gate using ics. built-in power supply dc +5 v @ 500 ma. on panel gates : 4 nand gates (7400), 4nor gates (7402),. 4 and gates (7408), 4 or gates (7432) & 6not gates (7404). 5 logic input switches with green leddisplay. 5 logic output red led display. required numbers of patch cords andoperating manual, speed control of induction motorusing vfd. speed control of induction motor by usingvfd ac drive setup with three phase squirrelcage induction motor 0.5hp/220v/1440rpm. this unit consists of delta or equivalentmake igbt based 3-ph v/f drive suitable for0.5hp/230v induction motor.. the ac 1-phase input terminals, motor outputterminals points are brought out on the frontpanel.. a 2pole / 6amps mcb is provided to switchon/off the ac mains supply to the unit andalso for protection.. the drive has the facility to change thefrequency with constant v/f(variable voltagevariable frequency) to vary the speed of theinduction motor since the speed is directlyproportional to the frequency.. voltage, output current, and frequency.. switch for forward and reverse direction ofrotation., direction control of dc motorusing driver ic l293darduino based direction control of dc motor usingl293d driver control which can control a set oftwo dc motors simultaneously in any direction.specification: cpu: atmega328p mcu (dip package). l293d driver circuit dc motor 5v forward/reverse switchessoftware support: arduino idepackage include: trainer kit. usb cable. 12v/1a adaptor 2mm patch cord, lt stepper motor drive kit with digitalcontroller speed control of stepper motor :-this unit is microcontroller based controller circuit toaccurately generates pulses to energize the steppermotor winding in the desired sequence. powertransistor based driver ckt. to drive the stepper motor,2x16 lcd display to set and display the parameters,and able to set the speed of the motor in rpm,number of steps motor can move, direction of rotation forward and reverse direction with half step and full step mode.the stepper motor fitted on the panel andall the connections are brought to a connector. thedial is fitted to the shaft of the stepper motor. theinner dial marking in steps and outer marking indegrees. step angle : 1.80 + / 0.10 3 kg cm = 0.1nm steps per revolution : 200 half step = 0.90.mains operated.
Tender For supply of valve assy , cap , control lever w a lh , gear lever knob with horn switch , bush , adapter , hex head bolt m8x40 , pin cab mtg , top roof glass , panel board lh , panel board rh , console lh , console rh , fan , wiper arm 355mm , wiper blade 330mm , wiper motor , gas strut for front door , wiper motor with blades , seat belt assy , control lever assembly rh , hex head screw m8x20 , handle holder lh , handle assembly , switch-resistant bar , pin , knob , guide pin , washer m10 , grease nipple m10 , grease nipple cap , handle wire , pin door hinge , pin door lock , direction indicator light , work lamp assy , horn , hex head screw m8x25
Tender For supply and fixing of boards set consisting of two items (1) direction boards with radium sticker on acp (aluminum composite panel) sheet to is 17682:2021 with iron frame (m.s) size 3/4-inch square pipe. sizes are as per the requirement of the consignee (3 feet x 4 feet size) qty-1 no (2) fixing rod (m.s) for direction boards size: l-type, width: 2-inch, thickness-05 mm, height: 10 feet-qty-2 nos
Tender For supply and fixing of retroreflectiveboards (size- 4ftx3ftx16nos) displaying sops of hemms in odia language and necessary safety slogans/ guidelines/ protocols at workshop premises of samaleswari ocp.
Tender For providing, assembling, transporting & placing / fixing in position cabin table consist of main table of size2400x900x750 mm with eru side unitsize : 1200l x 400d x 750ht and mobile pedestal. size : 400l x450w x 650ht . table top work surface & side panel- made of 25mm thick bwp grade plywoodconforming is code 710 with 0.5mm natural veneer lamination on top face & balancing veneermatching polish . modesty panel & understurture panel- made of 18mm thick bwp grade plywoodconforming is code 710with 0.5mm with natural veneer lamination on face & balancing matching polish.all table top edges with matching veneer polish . integrated pedestal- bwp grade plywood conformingis code 710 with 0.5mm natural veneer lamination . pedstal construction is box-box-file type whichuses powder coated 400 mm long metal panel drawer slides. drawer slide shall have extension of 325mm. drawers have a soft closing & anti slam mechanism. handles are provided for ease of opening.pedestal is provided with lock for security complete as per manufacturers specification and direction ofengineer - in- charge.veneer finish back unit shall be in commercial plywood bwp grade conformingis code 710 with 0.5mm natural veneer lamination. back unit shall have 25mm top with openableshutter of 12mm with handle & lock provision. dimension (w)2400mm x (d)400mm x (h)1040mm. allcomplete as per direction of engineer in charge..
Tender For providing making and placing in position woodenchair as per approved design/sample, the chair legs,support, bracket shall be consisting of first class teakwood with required size and section, seat frame of thechair shall be made up of 19mm+19mm thickcommercial ply of make duro/green or equivalent,seat and arm frame of chair made up with 11mm thickflexible ply as per required pattern, finally seat andarms shall be upholstered finished stitching withapproved shade fabric with help of required 12mm,25mm, 50mm thick pu foam of make sleepwell orequivalent, elastic niwar, casement, fibre pad etc.finally all the exposed wooden surface shall befinished with high gloss white polyester polyurethanewood coating of make sirca or equivalent, he costincluding all necessary fabric, nails, screws, fevicoletc. all complete as per direction of the engineer-incharge. , providing making and fixing in position ornametaldesign wooden tv cabinet of size approx:-2400x350x250mm ht. as per approved design, thecabinet top, bottom, partition, side, drawer head shallbe made up of 18mm thick hdhmr ply of actiontesa or equivalent make, side shall be in round shapewith 18mm hdhmr ply layers, drawer side , drawerback, drawer base shall be consisting of 12mm thickhdhmr ply, finally all the surface area shall be finishedwith high gloss white polyester polyurethane woodcoating of make sirca or equivalent, the cost includingall necessary quadro push channel 300mm, nails,screws, fevicol etc. all complete as per the direction ofthe engineer-in-charge. , providing making and fixing in position wooden tvpanel of size approx:- 4020x2440 mm as per approveddesign and drawing, the panel base, upper box, boxsides, shelve unit top. bottom, side, shelve fully shallbe made up of 19mm thick commercial ply of makeduro/green or equivalent and finished with 4mm thickost ply on outer exposed surface, drawer side, all theexposed edges shall be covered with 25x5mm woodenmargine, finally all the exposed area shall be finishedwith high gloss white polyester polyurethane woodcoating of sirca make or equivalent, the cost includingall necessary nails, screws, fevicol etc. all complete asper the direction of engineer in charge. , providing making and placing in position ornamentaldesign wooden dressing top unit cabinet of sizeapprox:- 1220x350x230 mm ht, having base of 2 nosside table of size approx:- 430x350x540mm ht, as perapproved design, the unit top, bottom, sides, middlepartition, drawer head and side table top, bottom, side,drawer head, skirting shall be made up of 18mm thickhdhmr ply of make action tesa or equivalent, alldrawer side, drawer back, drawer base, unit back shallbe made up with 12mm thick hdhmr ply, all theexposed visible surface shall be finished with highgloss white polyester polyurethane wood coating ofsirca make or equivalent, the cost including allnecessary quadro push channel 300mm, nails, screws,fevicol etc. all complete as per the direction of theengineer in charge , providing making and placing in position wooden bedside table as per approved design and size, the tabletop, bottom, inner frame shall be made up of 18mmthick hdhmr ply of make action tesa or equivalent, backpanel in round consisting of 12mm thick flexible ply,front drawer made up of 18mm thick hdhmr orequivalent or first class teak wood as per approval,drawer side, drawer back and drawer base shall bemade up of 12mm thick hdhmr ply, round back sideshall be finished upholstered with approve shade fabricwith help of 12mm thick pu foam of make sleepwellor equivalent, exposed wooden surface shall befinished the high gloss white polyester polyurethanewood coating of sirca or equivalent, the cost includingall necessary quadro channel 250mm, nails, screws,fevicol etc. all complete as per the direction of theengineer in charge ,
Tender For computational lab revitalization managing & upgradation of the existing furniture tables as per office requirement., transportation and handling(loading/unloading) of materials from main building to new block -computer labs section , disposal of removed materials as per site incharge direction, erection and setup of working tables measuring 6x2 ft table top with allied partition work of height 16, sitc of acrylic 5mm, shelf bracket 6 inch , sitc of beeding,fevicol,screws, power outlets (6-way), sitc of lan cabling including pvc coduit , sitc of io port with keystone with fp & patch panel and connectors, sitc of desktop networking switch 24 port , 6u rack (loaded) with cable manager, 8 port managed switch
Tender For provision of 04 x fd ops room- work for 01 x fd ops room. the work consists of manufacture and supply of prefabricated mob ops room (veh mounted) of size 5.4.m x 4.80 m upto height of 2.44m and the shelter will consist of the fwg :- 2. 3. (a) the shelter would be of size 18 ft x 8 ft x 8 ft mounted on als extendable & extractable to provide hall of size 16 ft x 18 ft x 8 ft covered on three side with on end open (ref drawing no. 6) 4. 5. (b) the shelter should be mounted on flat bed als of size 16 ft x 8 ft (c) the shelter should be prefabricated and should have foldable wings for roof, floor and walls to provide a hall of size 5.4m x 4.80m x 2.44m i.e (18 ft x 16 ft x 8 ft) when all wings panel completely opened and on side of the same not enclosed. (d) opening and closing of wings should be operated through winches system manually. the base panel wings should be supported by adjustable manual jack system. (e) mechanism of opening or closing of wings will be based on operation of winches supported with manual jack system, to be functioned as under:- (i) opening the wings. the operator turns the winches handle, engaging the system to lift the top & bottom wings smoothly which are connected by steel wire rope. as the wing panels lifts, the adjustable manual jack at the base panel, are extended to provide additional support ensuring stability of the telescope structure. (ii) closing the wings. the operator when turns the winches handle in the opposite direction lowers the wing panels to closed position (see drg no 6). the adjustable manual jack can be gradually retracted to lower the base panel, ensuring controlled and smooth movement. (iii) the jack to be welded/bolted with base plate of size 300mm x 300mm x 10mm thick steel plate and the height of jack should be max of 6 openable. (iv) advantages: - (a) manual control - the winches system allow for precise manual control over the shutter movement. (ab) mechanical advantage - gears reduce the effort needed to lift or lower the wings. (ac) stable support - manual jacks provide strong and stable support for the base panel, ensuring safe and efficient operation. this mechanism of manual jack and winches system to ensure efficient, controlled, and fail safe operation of the wings. (f) tech staff of contractor to be present during assembling of shelter till its final taking over on charge by the insp team. (g) assembling and mounting of shelter on flat bed als to be provided by contractor as a onetime measure/initial demonstration till its final taking over on charge by the insp team. design criteria. (a) seismic co-efficient as per seismic zone iii. (b) wind load - equivalent to wind speed of 55 mtrs/sec as per is-875-2015 (reaff 2020). (c) roof slope -1:1.2. (d) external temperature (-) 10 0c to + 500c. (e) water absorption/penetration since, the shelter is removable and joints are not of permanent nature, flexibility in adoption of mechanism for sealing the joinery through appropriate means like silicon gel etc has been kept reserved for a later stage for optimum outcome during execution. however, the fwg mechanism would be adopted for sealing the joints. (i) rubber or silicon gaskets - rubber or silicon gaskets to be applied around the edges of the shelter panels and doors. it will be compressed to form a watertight and airtight seal when the shelter is assembled. (f) termite proofing all components of woods & puf to be treated for termite proofing. (g) ease of construction shelter should be modular in design. (h) design load as per is-875-2015 (reaff 2020)