Tender For providing of custom bid for services - selection of insurer for renewal of bankers indemnity and master asset insurance policy for the period from 01042025 to 31032026 in canara bank
Tender For design & engineering, procurement & supply of equipment and materials, testing at manufacturers works, multi level inspections, packing and forwarding, supply, receipt, unloading and storage at site, associated civil works, services, permits, licenses, installation and incidentals, insurance at all stages, erection, testing, commissioning, obtaining no objection certificate (noc) for grid connectivity and synchronization with existing distribution network grid for individual grid interactive solar pv power projects having cumulative capacity of 7.8mw (ac) and operation and maintenance for 25 years.
Tender For providing of warehousing service - per mt basis - food grain storage; dry /normal warehouse.; godown with services (preservation, insurance, watch & ward); hardware by the service provider
Tender For providing of custom bid for services - ---- interior, furnishing, electrical, firefighting and air-conditioning works forthe national insurance co. ltd., nationallegal vertical(nlv ) office at 11th floor,
Tender For providing of warehousing service - per mt basis - food grain storage; covered warehouse anywhere in bodhan area under bodhan goodshed; godown with services (preservation, insurance, watch & ward); hardware by the service provider
Tender For providing of warehousing service- lumpsum quote based - availing of warehousing services at singrauli revenue district on lease with services only for storage of foodgrains by fci; as pe mtf; godown with services (preservation, insurance, watch & ward); hardware ..