Tender For bid to ras corrigendum : supply of bedclothes rubberisedcoirmattress cushions and pillows hospital mattresses and pillows as per is 8391 (q3)
Tender For supply of chemicals items under nlm - primescript 1st strand cdna , tb green ptremix ex taq , 96 well pcr plate semi-skirted , pcr-sealing mat for 96 well plates , rna-xpress rgagent 100 ml , dnasel solution , depc 100 ml , chloroform 100 ml , isopropanol 100 ml , 100 bp ladder ready to load , 1kb ladder, ready to load , ethanol, ar grade 500 ml , microfuge tubes non sterile , micropipette tips 1000 micro liter non sterile , micropipette tips 200 micro liter , micropipette tips 10micro liter , 0 point 2 ml pcr tubes
Tender For supply of bedclothes rubberisedcoirmattress cushions and pillows hospital mattresses and pillows as per is 8391,bedclothes rubberisedcoirmattress cushions and pillows hospital mattresses and pillows as per is 8391,bedclothes rubberisedcoirmattress cushions and pillows hospital mattresses and pillows as per is 8391,bedclothes rubberisedcoirmattress cushions and pillows hospital mattresses and pillows as per is 8391