Tender For supply of sciencelaboratory equipment of different items used in physics, chemistry, botany & zoology laboratories of government & non-government aided degree colleges situated in different places in odisha.
Tender For procurement and supply of sciencelabequipment to marshaghai college - supply of sciencelabequipment to marshaghai college, physic department, study of rise and decay of current in an lr circuit with a source of canstant emf omega type es-221, determination of internal resistance of a cell using voltmeter and resistance box omega type es-224, determination of velocity of sound in air omega type es-228, study of variation of power factor with frequency of a given coil using cro omega type es-229, determination of ballistic constant of a ballistic galvanometer omega type es-245, determination of the refractive index (h) of a glass/ water with the help of a microscope omega type e-303, determination of b, & m using magnetometers omega type es-305, voltage current relationship in a-r-l series circuit omega type es-308, di electric constant of a specimen (liquid) at high frequency by lecher-wires omega type es-318, botany department instruments, compound microscope, dissecting microscope, chromatography papers, ph indicator paper, digital ph meter, portable autoclave, measuring cylinder 100ml, measuring cylinder 50ml, measuring cylinder 10ml, herbarium paper, centrifuge tube conical, ldpe plastic wash bottle, digital spectrophotometer, lab balance, hot air oven, soil testing kit formacronutrients, bekar, conical flasks borosil 250ml, single stage distillation unit, virus bacteriophage model, virus tmv model inshowcase, dna model helical inshowcase, rna model helical inshowcase, soil thermometer, agrobacterium mediatedgene transfer rexine chart, museum specimen of cuscuta, museum specimen of sargassum, museum specimen of funaria, museum specimen of spirogyra, museum specimen of rhynia, museum specimen of psilotum, slide of anatomy, slide of embryology, slide of parenchyma, slide of collenchyma, slide of sclerenchyma, slide of monocot leaf, slide of dicot leaf, slide of ovule, water bath double-walled(thermostatic controlled), ri, chemistry department, digital polarimeter, tlc, 50 hz single rotary vacuum evaporator, for labs, capacity :1000ml, chiller 1200w for rotary evaporator, rotary vane vacuum pump, vacp-r series, borosilicate glass distillattion condenser, joint clip, hypodermic glass syringes for laboratory, reusable needles, 2 neck round bottom boiling flask 20ml, glass condenser for reflux, teflon stopcock flow control adapter, zoology department, ph meter, archeopteryx, sphenodon, models of fossil, mammalian skull, placenta, disarticulated bones of frog, disarticulated bones of fowl, disarticulated bones of varanus, disarticulated bones of mammals