Tender For supply of double sealedwindowglassunit with louvre 660mm x 860mm (lavatory & p antry) " drawing no: train 18/mc/ac-5-4-001, item no. 2, alt - j or latest and train18/mc/ac 5-4-003 alt - b or latest. [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For supply of sealedwindowglassunit ( for 1220 x 762 wide ) drawing no.:- wgsczacj2-5-4-20 3 alt (e) specification: - icf/md/spec-103 (rev.-5) amendments 1 to 5 [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For supply of set of suspension tube and its assembly components for hitachi traction motor type h s15250a. each set consists of seven items, one no. each. detail is given in specification as per clw's specn. 4tms.095.003 rev-1 alt. '3'- (1) suspension tube for msu, drg. no. 10p.701.898 alt.19 qty. 01 no. as per clws specn. 4tms.095.004 , alt. 1. (2) bearing housing as per drg. no. 10q 745.381 alt. c , qty.-01 no. (3) end cover (rwe) as per drg. no.10q-745-383 alt. b qty. 01 no. (4) end cover (gwe) as per drg. no. 10q-745-385 alt. c, qty .01 no. (5) enclosure as per drg. no. 10q-745-386 alt. b qty. 01 no. (6) abutment piece as per drg. no. 10q-745-384 alt. b, qty.-01 no. (7) adjustment washer as per drg. no. 10q-745-382, alt. d qty.-01 no. [is : 2062 grade b. ]