Tender For balance work for construction of guard room and staff room at mangalpur water treatment plant under adda in the district paschim bardhaman5th call
Tender For work of replacement of 225mm dia. sw line by 300mm dia. rcc np-3 class pipe from nandhini bakery road to anjaneya temple gm palya main road with construction of new machine holes coming under c.v.raman nagar service station of aee-se-4 sub division
Tender For "kashi (phase-i) work including yard remodelling- earth work in formation including filling, cutting and compaction, supplying and laying blanketing material on embankment, construction/widening of rub, retaining wall, extension of minor bridges, construction of quarters(g+2) and any other ancillary works [name of project: varanasi- pt. deen dayal upadhyaya multitracking (15 km) including construction of a new rail-cum road bridge across ganga river] of lucknow division on northern railway"
Tender For for construction work of fire line in madanpur forest block area of ??wildlife saramathura - ??????? ??????? ?? ?????? ??????? ?????? ??? ???? ???? ?? ??????? ????? ???
Tender For for the construction work of chb percolation tank in jhiri forest block area of ????raj chambal sevar - ???? ? ????? ???? ?? ?????? ??????? ???? ?? ?????? ?????????? ?? ???? ?? ??????? ????? ????