Tender For c.o play ground in govt. high school at sapni distt. kinnaur hp sh- c.o fencing work, b.wall in hill side and r.wall in valley side of ground, balance work cutting work and entrance gate. under badp
Tender For corrigendum : repairs to security wall, fencing gate, paver block, drain repair and other miscellaneous b/r work and desuludging ,cleaning and repair of sewage line, soakage well, septic tanks including at aor of age b/r -iii area under ge 969
Tender For const.work of chainlink fencing,internal wbm road,main gate,display board,worg.shed, offi.bldg.with trag.hall,garden devt.officer resi.,gardener resi.bldg, water tank and rep.work of offi.bldg.cum trag.cen.at govt.horti.nur.govindgarh,rewa distt.rewa
Tender For name of work - construction work of chainlink fencing, internal wbm road, main gate & display board, working shed, office building with training hall, garden development officer residence & gardener residence building, water tank and repairing/maintanece work of office building cum training center at govt. horticulture nursery gwalior distt. gwalior. (1st call)
Tender For const.work of chainlink fencing,internal wbm road, main gate,display board,workg.shed,off. bldg.with traig.hall,garden dvmnt. officer resi.gardener resid.bldg,water tank and rep.work of off. bldg.cum trag.cen.at govt.horti.nur.shahpura distt.jabalpur
Tender For consn. work of chainlink fencing,internal wbm road,main gate,display board,work. shed,off. bldg.with trng. hall, garden dev.officer resi.,gardener resi bldg.,water tank and rep. work of office bldg.cum trag.cen. at govt. horti.nurs.narmadapuram
Tender For construction work of chainlink fencing,internal wbm road,main gate,display board,work.shed,offi.bldg.with trag. hall,garden devt.officer resi.,gardener resi.bldg.,water tank and rep.work of offi.bldg.cum trag.center at govt.horti.nur.katkona distt.shahdol