Tender For corrigendum : repair cleaning and servicing to sewages disposalsystem at phase iii u and l dahung,dum dum nalla mh mes offices and messes of age b/r under ge tenga
Tender For corrigendum : repair cleaning and servicing to sewages disposalsystem at phase ii chindit top tenga ledge goc camp area of age br under ge tenga
Tender For repair of pro 2075 e tcst bsvi pspb base abs wtl vehicle - material and labour for opening of all the wheels dismantling and refitting in same position after replacement of parts with proper adjustment of brake , m and l for drain out of old engine oil from the vehs and cleaning the oil sump throughly supply and filling new engine oil grade eicher life max green 209 ltr of make servo super of indian oil , m and l for servicing of veh eicher including cleaning nipple greasing engine tune up valve setting and replacing , m and l for dismantling of wiper assembly with motor and set of blade for eicher and replacing or refitting original new complete wiper assembly at its original position , repair to differential system including taking down unsv defective part and supply and replacement for eicher , repair to steering system including supply and replacement for eicher , repair to suspension system including supply and replacement for eicher
Tender For repair of eicher - material and labour for opening of all the wheels dismantling and refitting in same position after replacement of parts with proper adjustment of brake , m and l for drain out of old engine oil from the vehs and cleaning the oil sump throughly supply and filling new engine oil grade eicher life max green 209 ltr of make servo super of indian oil , m and l for servicing of veh eicher including cleaning nipple greasing engine tune up valve setting and replacing , m and l for dismantling of wiper assembly with motor and set of blade for eicher and replacing or refitting original new complete wiper assembly at its original position , repair to differential system including taking down unsv defective part and supply and replacement for eicher , repair to steering system including supply and replacement for eicher , repair to suspension system including supply and replacement for eicher