Tender For supply of brush plate assembly for starter motor drawing no. delco remy pt. no. 1967354 [ war ranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For supply of m and l for draining out old engine oil from the oil chamber , removing the sediment carbon deposits , cleaning of chamber thoroughly , removal of old engine oil filter , carrying out the necessary repairs as reqd with replacement , oil filter element , fuel filter , engine oil 20w 40 , coolant , mand l for repairing and refitting with replacement of suspension bushes rubbers , worned out metal parts for wheels , m and l for complete self starter opening overhaul , self starter armature , solenoid switch , self starter bush , carbon brush , main bearing , timing belt , oil pump , m and l for replacement of the following damaged spares , motor belt , coolant hose , m and l for wheel alignment by computerised system , m and l for opening the tyre wheel balancing hub greasing
Tender For supply of brush 24v to delco remy pt. no.1852888 suitable for starter motor type 50 mt of intac catter pillar diesel engine model no.3412 dita of demu. [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]