Tender For work of operating surface parking on the land adjacent to the sewertreatmentplant for non-government vehicles operating towards kumaon and garhwal in ramnagar.
Tender For repair and maintenance sewerage treatmentplant and fire fighting that includes panels, rewinding of monoblock/submersible motors other allied works in chandigarh sectt. building at sector-9 u.t., chandigarh.
Tender For construction of 03 three no sewerage treatmentplant stp of 150 kld for tc and s bsf meru hazaribagh sh preparation of survey drawing for sewerage network
Tender For erection for sop to sewerage treatmentplant at saraswatinagar by providing 63 kva, 222/0.4 kv sub- station and 22 kv ht line in electrical section hatkoti under esd, hpsebl, s. nagar
Tender For development work for bsf klp choup at kalighati campus jaipur (raj.) (sh: civil & electrical developments work and sewerage treatmentplant 100 kld of 39 bn bsf)subwork/packages:civil work
Tender For development works for campus at labana, jaipur (raj.) (sh: civil development works and sewerage treatmentplant 100 kld i/c electrical development work and substation work).subwork/packages:civil work