Tender For operation and maintainance of sewerage treatmentplant of 11.00 mld stp capacity on sbr technology at kharar distt s.a.s nagar mohali for the year 2025-28
Tender For operation and maintainance of sewerage treatmentplant of 5.00 mld capacity at barari and 8.00 mld capacity at mojowal on asp technology at nangal distt ropar for the year of 2025-2028
Tender For operation and maintainance of sewerage treatmentplant 5.50 mld stp capacity on sbr technology at morinda distt roopnagar for the year 2025-28
Tender For retrofitting of existing sewerage treatmentplant sundernagar for feacal treatment under septage management in tehsil sundernagar distt. mandi h.p.