Tender For corrigendum : supply of supply of (e&m) item-, supplying of one number 3.5c x 300 sq.mm pvc insulated and pvc sheathed/xipe al. armoured conductor power cable of 1.1 kv grade of following ways complete etc as reqd., supplyof 2 kg hfc 227 ca/fk-5-1-12 with 10 mtr minimum heat sensing tube fire suppression system. clean agent hfc 227 ca/fk-5-1-12 dlp (direct low pressure) with zero ozone depletion potential. container along with valve assembly: clean agent hfc 227 ca/fk-5-1-12 direct complete as reqd operating pressure is 15 bar at 20 degree. sensor tube automatic fire suppression system, made by special modified polyamide double layered color blue/black/red, high grade hr quality, stabilized, inner diameter 4mm.outer diameter 6mm, sensor tubing hr blue/black/red in mtr. senso tube uv resistance with pressurization of tube using nitrogen gas. the hst conductive, non-corrosive and flexible. operating pressure: 15 bar end of line plug-maximum working pressure 20 bar. t connections., pressure switch. pressure valve - direct low pressure type with inbuilt pressure gauge, integrated ball valve for open/ close within the valve body. reed switch to monitor the valve position using the reed switch relay to indicate valve open/close position. power back up for monitoring panel- 12v, 7.2 ah smf batteries (2 nos) end line adopter. 2x1.5 sq. mm pvc insulated pvc seethed copper conductor single core cable wire in meter. required compelete system certification that is equivalent to lpcb standard equivalent to lps 1666: issue 1.0 with indian nabl. lab report., supply of low pressure is 16018 45 itr trolley mounted water mist & caf fire extinguisher with following specifications: water mist & caf fire extinguisher having fire rating 204, 2338 and dielectric test on is: 16018: 2012 (c1.6.8) 36kv at 1 meter distance, with standard afff 3% compound, confirming to is 4989. extinguishing gun stainless steel 1-2 kg approx weight with nabl test report. dual nozzle jet mode to spray mode by twisting of nozzle. suitable for all classes of fire a. b and e. pressure vessel with 45 liter nilling capacity. compressed air cylinder 6 liter 300 bar cylinder which can be inounted on universal air cylinder holder capable of holding these cylinders, length of hose 5 meter, the cylinder should be of red color with powder coating as per is standards the paint should confirm to is: 5:2007 shade 538., cylinders. lancing distance of gun 3-15 meter, flow rate 42 to 50 liter per second. system test: tested from nabl lab/erda, 1) content-water, foam, 2) gun mode jet and spray., supply & foxing of 100 watt led highway light suitable for 120 to 300v of cct(k) $700 lumen efficacy >130, cri minimum 70, mech, impact protection code above ik.08 having pic housing luminaire for enhanced uniform illumination and with ip66/65 protection i/c connection ete complete as reqd.,
Tender For polyurethane foam required for loco roof sealing in 750 ml packing. make :- (1)adino puf ik 311, ic straw grade dry fu foam (2) abro pu foam- pu-750 (3) anabond darien adfoam-100. item supplied should have at least one year shelf life from the date of supply.
Tender For empanelment of the vendor for supplying institutional fashion designing tool and stationery item on rental basis at bipard - students notes, sewing machine tool kit, dexterity test kit, chalk &marker (chalks & markers of different colours), tech pack/ specification sheet, trims/accessory /fabric and embroideries samples/swatch, file, measurement sheet/ size chart, buyer requirement/ comment sheet, fashion forecasting books/journals/magazines, pantone shade card, white /black board marker, blackboard/whiteboard, magnetic white board/black board eraser, punching machine, cello-tape (transparent and foam double sided tapes,, single sided tapes), fabric glue, glue stick/fevicol/adhesive, stapler (small and big size), paint brushes (different sizes), colour (poster colour, water colour, acrylics, pastels, fabric, printing dyes and colors and materials etc), carbon paper (a4, yellow, red and white carbon), tailors chalk, marking chalk (yellow/pink/ green/ blue coloured), pinking shears, scissors (plastic handled scissor for cutting paper, labels & stickers (qty may vary as per requirement), paper (various quality and sizes), pattern drafting paper, paper cutter, design transferring paper, carbon paper (various colours), sharpener, note books, eraser, pencil (hb, 2b, h, 2h, 4h,4b, 6b, 8b), highlighter (quantity may vary as per requirement), fabric pins, dress maker's pin (quantity may vary as per requirement), push pins (quantity may vary as per requirement), teacher's chair, teacher's table, student's chair (with table arm), stools for cutting, pattern table /cutting table, boxes and pouches for storing items, dustbin, pin cushion (quantity may vary as per requirement), trim/accessory buttons, surface embellishments, zippers, etc assorted, qnt may vary), fabric yardages, surplus fabric, good quality muslin madatory, other optional, qnt may vary), embroidery frame (various sizes and shapes qnt may vary), hanger (wooden and plastic material), bobbin case (qnt may vary), bobbins (qnt may vary), sewing threads (surplus thread is used. the quantity, thread, packaging, variety may vary as per requirement), embroidery thread as per req, hand notcher (pattern notcher), button hole scissor, attachments for sewing machine (as per req), machine needle and hand needles (various, gauges), embroidery needles, machine oil, machine tool kit (screw driver, screw etc.), sewing kit (includes thread clipper/hand trimmer, seam ripper, fabric cutting scissors, tracing wheel, measuring tape, etc), types of scales: normal straight big ruler, hip curve, leg, shaper, pattern master, frenchcurve etc, drawing board (any size wooden), garment, made ups and home furnishing samples ((qnt may, vary), machine tool kit, press/iron (any type) with table, embroidery machine with stool and table, cleaning cloth, over lock machine (5 thread over lock machine) with stool, stools for sewing depending on no. of machines, sewing machine with tables (domestic or industrial snls as, per requirement), mannequin (male or female , size m), printer, design softwares (coral, photoshop etc), first aid box & fire extinguisher, computer & computer peripherals, students notes, sewing machine tool kit, dexterity test kit, chalk &marker (chalks & markers of different colours), tech pack/ specification sheet, trims/accessory /fabric and embroideries samples/swatch, file, measurement sheet/ size chart, buyer requirement/ comment sheet, fashion forecasting books/journals/magazines, pantone shade card, white /blackboard marker, blackboard/whiteboard, magnetic white board/black board eraser, punching machine, cello-tape (transparent and foam double sided tapes,, single sided tapes), fabric glue, glue stick/fevicol/adhesive, stapler (small and big size), paint brushes (different sizes), colour (poster colour, water colour, acrylics, pastels, fabric, printing dyes and colors and materials etc), carbon paper (a4, yellow, red and white carbon), tailors chalk, marking
Tender For tender for supply of furniture item - rack adjustable 6 tier steel all as specified and as shown on drgn , bath stool pvc , chair easy , chair writing , peg table , receptacle pvc , sofa chair with cushion one seat , table bed side , table center , table writing , table dressing gents , almirah medium with shelves , almirah steel large with shelves , book case open small , chair dining with long back , chair easy cushioned , chair verandiah , chair writing steen , hat stand with mirror , hot case small , magazine rack medium , notice board , safe meat and milk small , side board small 1200x455x760mm , sofa set 5 seater with cusion , stool dressing cushioned , table dining 8 person 6 ft x4 ft , table cook house , table dressing ladies , table pantry medium , table office clk steel , teapoy 600x450x540mm , teapoy varandha , table card 900x900x600mm , chair cba spl with hand rest , table center two tier , form with back , receptacle small , table stainless steel top 1670x760x750mm , stool revolving adjustable , stool 2 feet hight , bed steel iron hospital , locker steel 4 unit , chair cb steel , bed hard 1980x900x660mm , rack steel adjustable , charpoy gi with plywood top , table writing medium , teapoy wooden , table 3x2 inch with drawer , chair plastic mouled with arms and with cusuhned ornate , table 3x2 without drawer 900x600x760mm , receptacle large with bucket , table dining 6 person , safe milk , hot case large , foam with back , receptacle , chair dining , table cook house terrazzo top , chair writing 950mm high 500mm wide , table 2x2 with drawer , rack steel 1830x760x1905 mm
Tender For supply and installation of coach set of seats and berths for lws/bw2 coac h to drawing lg61006, alt-d,col-01 (except item 37). cushioning material shall be pu foam as per rdso specification no.rdso/2007/cg04, rev-01 or latest and upholstery to rdso sp ec.rdso/2008/cg-07 , rev-01 or latest. installation required as per arrangement drawing . all necessary hardwares required for installation is under scope of the supplier. not e: firm has the option for offering seats and berths cushion with lower density of 65 pl us or minus 5 kg/m3 conforming to spec.rdso/2007/cg-04, rev-01 or latest also. please visit icf vendor portal for downloading drawing https://vp.icf.gov.in/vendtendordetnew.php using key: 07 25vanldil1586 [ warranty period: 120 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For supply of sterile barrier foam dressing-size 10cm*10cm-containing poly diallylmethyl ammonium chloride specification:- activated charcoal with silver is an antimicrobi al, flexible, soft, non-adherent rope which contains an activated charcoal fabric impregnated with silve r in a non-woven cover that does not stick to the wound. the device is ideal for packing into deep wou nds and for use like a wound cover on superficial wounds. size 10cmx10cm, 10cmx15cm and 10cmx2 0cm [quantity tolerance (+/-): 5 %age , item category : normal , total po value variation permitt ed: max 8 lacs ]
Tender For supply and installation of one coach set of chairs to drg. no.lwscz2-6-1-00 1, col-1, alt-c, item 1 to 5. cushioning material shall pu foam as per rdso specification no .rdso/2007/cg04,rev-01 or latest and upholstery to rdso spec.rdso/2008/cg-07,rev-01 or latest. installation required as per arrangement drawing. all necessary hardwares re quired for installation is under scope of the supplier. note: firm has the option for off ering seats and berths cushion with lower density conforming to spec.rdso/2007/cg-04, rev-01 or latest also. [ warranty period: 120 months after the date of delivery ]