Tender For supply of labatory items and spares for idgah hills laboratory under zone no.02 - edta n/50 500 ml, sulphuric acid n/50 500 ml, ammonia buffer solution b 500 ml, 0.0141 silvernitratesolution 500 ml, o.t. solution 500 ml, tissue paper roll, 100 ntu(turbidity meter calibrator)500m(make sigma aldrich) 500 ml, glass dropper bottle 250 ml, amber colour burette 50 ml, mannual pipette controller 10ml, conical flask cleaning brush, test tube cleaning brush, breaker cleaning brush, reagent bottle cleaning brushcompatible with 250ml,500ml,1000ml and 2000ml regent bottle, breaker 500ml, membrane filter apparatus(for totalcoliform and ecoli test)including an electric vaccum pump,a vaccum flask(e.g.an erlenmeyer side arm flask)and a filter support, residual glass petri dish 60mm x 15mm, blunt ended forceps, membrane filter with nutrient absorbentpads 47mm in diameter with a pore diameter of 0.45 micro meter singlypacked pre sterlized membranes nutrient absorbat discs about 1 mm thickwith the same diameter as the membrane filters, m7 fc agar 500g, free chlorine low and medium rangetest kit with checker disc.(chloroscope)
Tender For supply of reagents of erba em 200 - glucose system pack , urea system pack , creatinine enzymatic system pack , bilirubin-total system pack , bilirubin - direct system pack , sgpt-el system pack , sgot -el system pack , alkaline phosphatase system pack , total protein system pack , albumin system pack , total cholesterol system pack , direct hdl cholesterol system pack , triglyceride system pack , calcium -a system pack , magnesium system pack , phosphorus system pack , amylase system pack , lipase xl system pack , xl ada system pack , ada calibrator , ada control , erba autowash , xl multical , 4 channel ise module electrolytes reagent pack , 4 channel ise module cleaning solution kit-5421 , uric acid system pack , direct ldl cholestrol system pack , microprotein with cal small system pack
Tender For purchase of alkp (1 x 60 test) , total protien (1 x 50 test) , albumin (1 x 50 test) , good (1 x 60 test) , creatinine (1 x 60 test) , altv (1 x 60 test) , ast (1 x 60 test) , triglycerides (1 x 60 test) , glucose (1 x 60 test) , urine protien (1 x 18 test) , total bilirubin (1 x 60 test) , cholestrol (1 x 60 test) , gamma gt (1 x 50 test) , sodium (1 x 50 test) , potassium(1 x 50 test) , chloride cl (1 x 50 test) , calcium (1 x 60 test) , phosphorus (1 x 60 test) , lactate (1 x 18 test) , amylase (1 x 18 test) , lipase (1 x 18 test)
Tender For supply of erba em 200 reagents for biochemistry analyzer , erba em200 reagents for urea , erba em 200 reagents for creatinine , erba em200 reagents for bilirubin t , erba em200 reagents for bilirubin d , erba em200 reagents for sgpt , erba em200 reagents for sgot , erba em200 reagents for alkaline phosphatase , erba em200 reagents for total protein , erba em200 reagents for albumin , erba em200 reagents for cholesterol , erba em200 reagents for trigyceride , erba em200 reagents for direct hdl , erba em200 reagents for fe 125 , erba em200 reagents for uibc 125 , erba em200 reagents for uric acid , erba em200 reagents for calcium , erba em200 reagents for phosphorus , erba em200 reagents for amylase , erba em200 reagents for microprotein , erba em200 reagents for lipase xl , erba em 200 reagents for ldh , erba em 200reagents for cpk mb , erba em200 reagents for ggt , erba em200 reagents for hba1c , laboratory items for biochemistry analyzer , erba xl multical , erba norm , erba path , laboratory items xl autowash , laboratory items autowash , laboratory items hba1c control h , laboratory items hba1c control l
Tender For supply of fully automated electro chemiluminescence immunoassay analyzer eclia , free t3 , free t4 , tsh , anti tpo , anti tg , thyroglobulin , vitamnin d3 , ipth , prolactin , total testosterone , shbg , cortisol , insulin , c peptide , estradiol , progesterone , psa , dheas , afp , cea , ca125 , ca19 9 , free psa , any other consumables as necessary for above parameter , glucose , urea , creatinine , calcium , phosphorus , uric acid , bilirubin total , bilibrubin direct , total protein , albumin , sgopt , sgpt , alkaline phosphate , ise sodium , ise potassium , ise chloride , amylase , csf protein , total cholesterol , hdl , ldl , triglyceride , lipase , iron , tibc , crp , cpk total , cpk mb , ldh , magnesium , ammonia , lactate , hba1c , phenytoin , valporic acid , carbamazepine , lithium , calibrator for all above parameters , serum contro normal for all above parameters , serum control path high value for all baove paramets , serum control path low value for all above parameters , urinary control normal , urinary control path , csf contro two level , wash solutions if required , buffer solutions if required
Tender For supply of fully automatic biochemistry analyzer - lab automatin track system plus auto analyzer with pre analytic and post analytics , free t3 , free t4 , tsh , anti tpo , anti tg , thyroglobulin , vitamnin d3 , ipth , prolactin , total testosterone , shbg , cortisol , insulin , c peptide , estradiol , progesterone , psa , dheas , afp , cea , ca125 , ca19 9 , free psa , any other consumables as necessary for above parameter , glucose , urea , creatinine , calcium , phosphorus , uric acid , bilirubin total , bilibrubin direct , total protein , albumin , sgopt , sgpt , alkaline phosphate , ise sodium , ise potassium , ise chloride , amylase , csf protein , total cholesterol , hdl , ldl , triglyceride , lipase , iron , tibc , crp , cpk total , cpk mb , ldh , magnesium , ammonia , lactate , hba1c , phenytoin , valporic acid , carbamazepine , lithium , calibrator for all above parameters , serum contro normal for all above parameters , serum control path high value for all baove paramets , serum control path low value for all above parameters , urinary control normal , urinary control path , csf contro two level , wash solutions if required , buffer solutions if required