Tender For supply of canvas covers - canvas cover for starter of davit winch , canvas cover for mooring capstan , canvas cover for hatch h6 on main deck , canvas cover for accommodation ladder winch 2 deck , canvas cover for master controller of mooring capstan 2 deck , canvas cover for anchor capstan , canvas cover for master controller of anchor capstan 1 deck port and stbd , canvas cover for flag lockers , canvas cover for pyrotechnic locker , canvas cover for ammunition box , canvas cover for lmg , canvas cover for rib and davit winch 1 deck port and stbd , canvas cover for pr boat davit winch 1 deck port and stbd , canvas cover for accommodation ladder control panel and motor , canvas cover for obm 30 hp , canvas cover for crn 91 gun mount , canvas cover for sop , canvas cover for srcg , canvas cover for shore connection box 1 on 01 w dk , canvas cover for shore connection box 2 on qtr dk fr 58 60 port , canvas cover for ss stowage box for auto telephone system qtr deck , canvas cover for weather proof shore connection on qtr deck port and stbd , canvas cover for weather proof shore connection on helo deck , canvas cover for stainless steel stowage box for autotephone system on foxle deck , canvas cover for weather proof shore connections on foxle deck , canvas cover for ss stowage box for autotephone system on bridge wing port and stbd , canvas cover for weather proof shore connection on w h top , canvas cover for explosion proof operator panel 5 zone bh with alarm on qtr deck , canvas cover for explosion proof re entrant horn type speaker 15w on qtr deck , canvas cover for stowage box weather proof cabinet with operator panel 5 zone bh 4 on foxle deck , canvas cover for re entrant horn type speaker 15w with junction box on foxle deck , canvas cover for loudhailer speaker 50w on foxle deck , canvas cover for stowage box weather proof cabinet with operator panel 5 zone bh on bridge wing port , canvas cover for re entrant horn type speaker 15w with junction box on bridge wing port , canvas cover for stowage box weather proof cabinet with operator panel 5 zone bh on bridge wing stbd , canvas cover for re entrant horn type speaker 15w with junction box on bridge wing stbd , canvas cover for stowage box weather proof cabinet with operator panel 5 zone bh on w h top , canvas cover for re entrant horn type speaker 15w with junction box on w h top , canvas cover for explosion proof communication system for internal communication system on qtr deck , canvas cover for external explosion proof audio visual indication ip 56 system on qtr deck , canvas cover for stowage box for headset with 7 pin plug and ptt switch for internal communication system on qtr deck , canvas cover for bhd mounting communication system on foxle deck , canvas cover for external audio visual indication ip 56 with junction box on foxle deck , canvas cover for stowage box for headset with 7 pin plug and ptt switch for internal communication system on foxle deck , canvas cover for bhd mounting communication system ip 56 for internal communication system on w h top , canvas cover for external audio visual indication ip 56 with junction box for internal communication system on w h top , canvas cover for stowage box for headset with 7 pin plug and ptt switch for internal communication system on w h top , canvas cover for stainless steel enclosure ip 44 fitted with bhd mounting intercom station on foxle deck , canvas cover for 15w horn loudspeaker with jb for navigation circuit of intercom talkback system on foxle deck , canvas cover for flasher with footer for navigation circuit of intercom talkback system on foxle deck , canvas cover for stainless steel enclosure on bridge wing port and stbd , canvas cover for 15w horn loudspeaker with jb for navigation circuit of intercom on bridge wing port and stbd , canvas cover for flasher with footer for navigation circuit of intercom talkback system on bridge wing p and s , canvas cover for stainless steel enclosure ip 44 fitted with
Tender For tender for operation / maintenance of koderma adventure park, tilaiya dam, urwa and adventure motor boat constructed in block chandwara by district tourism promotion council, koderma
Tender For procurement of non-sor material under three-tier panchayati raj institutions - course book , magazine , fictions and nonfiction books , competitive books , novels , newspapers , comics , story telling books , biograghy and autobiograpy books , books , litrature book , moon climber , circular swing , 4 way dancing see saw , iron slider (gl sheet) , monkey climber , swing two seater , rocking boat , parrallel bar , mgr , keyboard , mouse , printer with scanner , ups (1kva), scanner , maretur (22 , mentor , cpu , pendrive , deatmap computer , peter cartri , camar , router , hdmi ca , hom , crouder c box for c , calling fan , g(drinking water , 20 mm pic contul , , 25 min pc com , , 15 mm opper cable , 2.5 mm impper cable , spisa amp switch, 3/ amp socket , 1300 mm sweet celling fan , td22 amp smc , 200 15000 mm pvc box , 400 mm 230 volt, acsonalist tan , 380 mm 280 volt, ac soualelttan , 400 mm, 230 volt, ac rail/cabing far , star , shp motor , hp motor , regulatch , electric pvc fre , electric five ansocket , fectre two fin socket , electric five pin pig , electric two finplug , tubelight , batten , mmmm 30 ?? ???? ???/metal bok , 75 mm 75 mm mm esp pymetalbon , sam socket , fan reglilator module , planes tan regulator dimboule , tam db & waf , switch, shp stathter , 2hp stathter , mcb contra , how with bracket hd , idt d , ac , ac step , mar150-120 , charman lost cmc-1300 , wall spolar ask-33207 , aim-12002 phone , 15 mr. mic wee , speaker , cametts ac18tone, cast ac 20 , ????? ???? , brain pipe , for cappe wite , te matance , wa , bode self , char , stude table , news paper stand , d , office tible , mark board , pvc c , staat almerah , steel rach , dt , tt , reer carpong , van che, dust towel , cur , door cartam , te , gattom, thickness, blautan battery am , taan battery , 30 watt land , 230 watt sob pare , vibrator with netyp , charge of , nee charge haring machine , pccutting machi , tre change of drilling actio , tandem road , water tank 3000 , water taup , diary , fle , paper , paper punc , staplzh , srocy note, dust towel , cur , door cartam , te , gattom, thickness, blautan battery am , taan battery , 30 watt land , 230 watt sob pare , vibrator with netyp , charge of , nee charge haring machine , pccutting machi , tre change of drilling actio , tandem road , water tank 3000 , water taup , diary , fle , paper , paper punc , staplzh , srocy note, star paid , mobar , regster , ta , pen stand , wirgat pang , cash book , general sker , attenda , signature fait , wall art fainting , plantation cost of largeplaat , plantation gabion bamboostrong enough with flall round bamboos at corners , plantation-cost of small plants , pulley jdmm , pulley 40mm , cater
Tender For providing of custom bid for services - repair and replacement of following spares in 9.2m motor boat (031) kalindiat ins netaji subhas kolkata. -
Tender For repair/ replacement of building security lights alongwith connected items at ins shikra, boat pool, nt pool, pasta lane, vishakha vandana complex, aditi ahilya complex , bhagirathi, gangotri complex, sassoon complex & repair/ replacement of copper submain wiring, mcbs cable tray and other connected work at ins shikra, boat pool, pasta lane, nt pool & repair/ replacement of lt panels, feeder pillar boxes, meter room panels, motor panels, acbs, mccbs, star detla starter, dol starter and other connected items of e/m installation at ins shikra, boat pool, pasta lane, nt pool and other md accn other misc location at outlaying area under ge (nw) nofra.
Tender For supply of solar sea weather and pollution transmitter buoy , micro controller based 4 quadrant speed control system , induction motor controller and protection system , ev bms with charge monitor and fire protection , arduino ultasonic sonar radar monitor project , prepaid energy meter with theft detection , third eye for blind ultasonic vibrator glove , iot garbage monitoring using raspberry pi , accurate room temperature controller project , iot weather reporting system using arduino and ras pi , arduino covid disinfection box , iot tracking worker safety helmet , arduino based alocohol sense engine lock and gps , automated elevator with overload alert , motion based door opener with metal detector , wearable oscilloscope smart watch , dam shutter control , wireless water level controller , automatic three phase changer over , eye blink detector for accident prevention , can based security system , vehicle theft intimation to owner cell phone gsm , development of smart blind stick , intelligent office automation , war field spying robot with camera rotation , wireless charging system for electrical vehicles on road , over load protection for power grids , ac motor speed contro with pwm , lora based wireless weather station monitoring system , underground cable fault detection system with distance locator , land mine detection robot with gsm gps , mems based wheel chair control system , bluetooth control home and industrial appliances , esp 32 cam video surveillance robot with camera rotation , esp 32 cam military spying robot , ev bms fire protection and charge monitoring , automatic stop gate at bridges for overflow , configurable password based authentication access and security system , mems based home appliances control , automation room light control based on visitor counter , traffic lights control with vehicle density , remote vehicle control using dtmf and bluetooth , wireless river cleaning boat , smart e vehicle wireless charging system using rfid and iot , advanced wireless power transfer system using arduino , rfid gsm attendance system with sms notification , rfid based gate opening along with password protection , mems based hand motion controlled robotics vehicle with rf , cng lpg gas accident prevention using gsm , power meter billing and load control using gsm , industrial loads control and security system with gsm , soldier health monitoring and tracking using gsm gps , fingerprint based biometric attendance system with sms notification , face mask detection with voice alert , live video monitoring robot controlled by web , lifi based electrical appliances control