Tender For providing of custom bid for services - rpnc252013 annual rate contract for internal mechanical polishing of pre poly reactor of pp unit of panipat naphtha cracker iocl panipat
Tender For providing of custom bid for services - dismantling and draggingshifting of 01 no of 400kv 125mvar ge make bus reactor at powergrid seoni substation
Tender For supply of 1. displacement transducer cum dial gauge with 10 meter cable and installation bracket for reactor bu,50 channel data logger with software for reactor building (rb) deflection test as per annexure-1
Tender For construction of 1.80 mld capacity sequential batch reactor (sbr) type sewage treatment plant for zone-4 of arakalagudu town & providing 150 mm to 200 mm dia sewer main for attending missing links in zone-4 under providing ugd system to arakalagudu town (lumpsum tender)
Tender For designing,construction n commisioning of sewage treatment plant capacity-100 kld mbb reactor n tanks with electro mechanical equipments n complete civil work/piping with online monitoring system connected to on grid solar pv system (complete job)
Tender For srm- enquiry for annual maintenance contract for offline filtration of ict, reactor and oltc oil for period of 2 years at 400kv r.s.division, talandage.