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Tender For corrigendum : supply of veterinary medical stores - rbc fluid bottle of 500 ml , wbc fluid bottle of 500 ml , methanol bottle of 2.5 ltr , formaldehyde solution bottle of 500 ml , leishman stain bottle of 500 ml , troponic cardiac kit of 10 test , glucose kit of 04 x 60 ml , bilirubin kitof 04 x 60 ml , platelet dilating fluid bottle of 100 ml , urine container 50 ml pack of 100 pieces , stool container 300 ml pack of 50 pieces , sterile swab pack of 100 pieces , media transport swab packet of 100 pieces , hemocytometer cover glass packet of 100 , micro tips 1000 mcl , micro tips 100 mcl , sgot kit of 05 x 20 ml , sgpt kit of 05 x 20 ml , urea kit of 05 x 20 ml , total protein kit of 05 x 50 ml , bilirubin kit of 04 x 60 ml , ggt kit of 50 ml , phosphorus kit of 02 x 50 ml
Tender For supply of drugs and pharmaceuticals -0 d re 65 cotton cast padding orthoroll 10 cm 3 metres , d re 65 ostomy paste 57 gms for use as skin barrier in fistula and ostomy cases , d re 65 ostomy powder 28 gm , d re 65 polyamide monofilament size 4 0 40 50 cm 3 8 circle cutting 15 20 mm , d re 65 polypropylene blue monofilament 70 75 cm size 5 0 3 8 circle reverse cutting 12 13 mm double needle , d re 65 liquor formaldehyde 40 w v , d re 65 urinary leg bag 540ml , d re 65 sodium hypochlorite solution 10 , d re 65 pigtail catheter assorted sizes , d re 65 pigtail catheter drainage set , d re 65 closed suction catheter14 fr , d re 65 disp split skin graft blade for humbys knife pkt of 10 , d re 65 dispo karman cannula size 10 , d re 65 dispo karman cannula size 12 , d re 65 dispo karman cannula size 4 , d re 65 dispo karman cannula size 5 , d re 65 dispo karman cannula size 6 , d re 65 dispo karman cannula size 7 , d re 65 dispo karman cannula size 8 , d re 65 dispo karman cannula size 9 , d re 65 renys clips , d re 65 romovac drain 14 fr bid number/ ( ( ) ): gem/2024/b/5696347 dated/* : 12-12-2024 bid document/ 1 1 / 24
Tender For supply of drugs / disposables / consumables for military hospital yol cantt - medicines, micropiettes tips for (1-200 ui) pkt of 1000, e-check quality control (erba h-360), crp quantative (1x20) turbodine, hba1c tulip turbodyne (1x20) turbodyne, d-dimer (1x20) turbodyne, e-check quality control (xp-100), wire loop, distilled water, kit for estimation of ck-mb (2.5)ml erba, pt reagent (kit of 25 test), serum anti a1, anti d(igg$ igm), h-360 erba diluent, stromatolyser (xp 100) bott of 500ml, erba h-360 lyse bott of 500 ml, readymade leishman stain bott of 500 ml, papanicolaous solution 3b,(polychromatic sol) ea-50 bott of 125 ml, papanicolaous solution la,(harris hematoxylin sol) bott of 125ml, papanicolaous solution 2b, (orange) bott of 125ml, alcohol dehydrated, xylene, formaldehyde 40%, paraffin wax, melting 56-60 degree c, slide microscopic thickness 1.15-1.35mm, size 75x25mm, microtome blade high profile pack of 50, miro cover glasses 22x50mm pack of 14gm, paper filter round 9cm pkt of 100, acetone commercial, glycerine ar, serum haemagglutinating gp.b (anti-a) monoclonal, serum haemagglutinating gp.a (anti-b) monoclonal, serum haemagglutinating gp.c (anti-ab) monoclonal, serum anti h 1x5ml, serum anti human globulin, bovine serum albumin 22% bott of 10ml, geimsa stain ready to use bott of 500 ml, anti d igg (bott of 10ml), anti d igm (bott of 10ml), gram stain kit ready to use, zn stain kit ready to use, mac conkey broth double strength, mac conkey broth single strength, blotting paper 51x51cm (erba), micro tips 500-1000ul pkt of 500, kit for estimation of ldh 12x5ml (erba), stool for occult blood test kit (50 test), swab stick, sodium citrrate 3.2% vaccutainer, pttk test kit, petri dish for culture & sensitivity, e-lite h clean (erba), cell clean (sysmax), erba wash, multi stick 10 sg pkt of 100 urosticks (siemens), sodium hypochlorite sol.10%, blood sedimentaion rate pipette (westergren), graduated from 0-200mm, elisa reader thermal paper roll, pencil marking glass, semi auto haematology cell counter priinting paper roll for, semo auto anglyser,printing paper roll for, blood culture bottle for (adult), blood culture bottle for (paed)