Tender For supply of fully automated electro chemiluminescence immunoassay analyzer eclia , free t3 , free t4 , tsh , anti tpo , anti tg , thyroglobulin , vitamnin d3 , ipth , prolactin , total testosterone , shbg , cortisol , insulin , c peptide , estradiol , progesterone , psa , dheas , afp , cea , ca125 , ca19 9 , free psa , any other consumables as necessary for above parameter , glucose , urea , creatinine , calcium , phosphorus , uric acid , bilirubin total , bilibrubin direct , total protein , albumin , sgopt , sgpt , alkaline phosphate , ise sodium , ise potassium , ise chloride , amylase , csf protein , total cholesterol , hdl , ldl , triglyceride , lipase , iron , tibc , crp , cpk total , cpk mb , ldh , magnesium , ammonia , lactate , hba1c , phenytoin , valporic acid , carbamazepine , lithium , calibrator for all above parameters , serum contro normal for all above parameters , serum control path high value for all baove paramets , serum control path low value for all above parameters , urinary control normal , urinary control path , csf contro two level , wash solutions if required , buffer solutions if required
Tender For supply of fully automatic biochemistry analyzer - lab automatin track system plus auto analyzer with pre analytic and post analytics , free t3 , free t4 , tsh , anti tpo , anti tg , thyroglobulin , vitamnin d3 , ipth , prolactin , total testosterone , shbg , cortisol , insulin , c peptide , estradiol , progesterone , psa , dheas , afp , cea , ca125 , ca19 9 , free psa , any other consumables as necessary for above parameter , glucose , urea , creatinine , calcium , phosphorus , uric acid , bilirubin total , bilibrubin direct , total protein , albumin , sgopt , sgpt , alkaline phosphate , ise sodium , ise potassium , ise chloride , amylase , csf protein , total cholesterol , hdl , ldl , triglyceride , lipase , iron , tibc , crp , cpk total , cpk mb , ldh , magnesium , ammonia , lactate , hba1c , phenytoin , valporic acid , carbamazepine , lithium , calibrator for all above parameters , serum contro normal for all above parameters , serum control path high value for all baove paramets , serum control path low value for all above parameters , urinary control normal , urinary control path , csf contro two level , wash solutions if required , buffer solutions if required
Tender For supply of cell pack dcl of make sysmex india pvt ltd. , sulfolyser (sls) of make sysmex india pvt ltd. , wdf- lysercell of make sysmex india pvt ltd. , wdf- fluorocell of make sysmex india pvt ltd. , cell clean of make sysmex india pvt ltd. , 195079-qc- xn check-l1 of make sysmex india pvt ltd. , 195079-qc- xn check-l2 of make sysmex india pvt ltd. , 195079-qc- xn check-l3 of make sysmex india pvt ltd. , 120558 -internal filling solution, pack of 125ml of medica corporation , 120565-cleaning solution kit, pack of 6 x 15ml of medica corporation , 120559-easylite trilevel control, pack of 3 x 10ml of medica corporation , 120560-solution pack (new)- (na/k/cl), pack of 800 ml of medica corporation , 181580-thermal paper roll for printer, pack of 55mm x 15 m of medica corporation , 181655-tubing kit, one pack of medica corporation , 160267-k electrode, pack of 1 piece of transasia bio-medicals ltd , 160269-na electrode, pack of 1 piece of transasia bio-medicals ltd , 160271-cl electrode, pack of 1 piece of transasia bio-medicals ltd , 160281-ref. electrode, pack of 1 piece of transasia bio-medicals ltd , 160283-membrane assey, pack of 1 piece of transasia bio-medicals ltd , 120265-albumin,pack of 10x44 ml of transasia bio-medicals ltd , 121018-alkaline phosphatase, pack of 2x44 ml, 2x11ml of transasia bio-medicals ltd , 121026-amylase, pack of 5x22 ml of transasia bio-medicals ltd , 120623-bilirubin direct, pack of 6x44/6x12.3 ml of transasia bio-medicals ltd , 120621-bilirubin total, pack of 6x44/6x12.3 ml of transasia bio-medicals ltd , 120262-calcium (a), pack of 10x22 ml of transasia bio-medicals ltd , 121021-cholesterol, pack of 10x44 ml of transasia bio-medicals ltd , "121165-ck nac, pack of 2x12ml/2x3 ml of transasia bio-medicals ltd " , "121166-ck mb, pack of 2x12ml/2x3 ml of transasia bio-medicals ltd " , 120958-erba autowash, pack of 10x100 ml of transasia bio-medicals ltd , 120266-glucose, pack of 10x44 ml of transasia bio-medicals ltd , 120706-direct hdl cholesterol with calibrator, pack of 4x30/4x10 ml of transasia bio-medicals ltd , 121020-ldh-p, pack of r1-2x44ml & r2- 2x11 ml of transasia bio-medicals ltd , 120707-direct ldl cholesterol with calibrator, pack of 2x30/2x10 ml of transasia bio-medicals ltd , 120267-total protien, pack of 10x44 ml of transasia bio-medicals ltd , "121024-triglyceride, pack of r1-5x44ml & r2-5x11 ml of transasia bio-medicals ltd " , "121025-urea, pack of r1-5x44ml & r2-5x11 ml of transasia bio-medicals ltd" , "121023 -uric acid, pack of r1-5x44ml & r2-5x11 ml of transasia bio-medicals ltd" , 120611-xl multical, pack of 4x3 ml of transasia bio-medicals ltd , 121238-xl auto wash (ac/al) kit, pack of 5x44 ml of transasia bio-medicals ltd , 121053-hba1c control h, pack of 1x0.5 ml of transasia bio-medicals ltd , 121054-hba1c control l, pack of 1x0.5 ml of transasia bio-medicals ltd , 121200-enzymatic creatinine, pack of r1 5x30ml and r2 5x10 ml of transasia bio-medicals ltd , 121505-xl turbi crp, pack of 2x22ml / 1x11 ml of transasia bio-medicals ltd , 121507-xl turbi aso, pack of 1x22 / 1x5.5 ml of transasia bio-medicals ltd , 131961-aso/crp/rf control l (low), pack of 1x1 ml of transasia bio-medicals ltd , 131962-aso/crp/rf control h (high), pack of 1x1 ml of transasia bio-medicals ltd , 121506-xl turbi rf, pack of 1x22ml / 1x5.5 ml of transasia bio-medicals ltd , test tube adapter for molded sample holding plate , 120412-microalbumin, pack of 1x5 ml / 2x25 ml of transasia bio-medicals ltd , 120405-microlbumin control, pack of 1 ml of transasia bio-medicals ltd , 165267-a m kit for di plant, one pack of transasia bio-medicals ltd , 103854-p.m. kit for em 360, 1 pack of transasia bio-medicals ltd , 107882-p.m. kit for em 200, 1 pack of transasia bio-medicals ltd , 100263- cuvette of em 200, 1 pack of transasia bio-medicals ltd , 100279- cuvette of em 360, 1 pack of transasia bio-medicals ltd , 115638-internal tubing set with connector of em 200, 1 pack of transasia bio-medica