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Soil Meter Tenders

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CTN :38618359 Due date: 07 Jan, 202507 Jan, 2025 40.00 Lacs
Tender For corrigendum : rate contract for leboratory items - rate contact for laboratory items, hbsag(rapid test)[ne69]-[p], hepatitis b immunoglobulin hbig 100 iu[ne68]-[dh], hepatitis b surface antigen elisa testing kit iii genration[nes16]-[dh], hepatitis b surface antigen elisa testing kit iv genration[nes17]-[dh], single blood bag(350ml)[nes8]-[dh], hiv (rapid) testing kit iv generation[nes19]-[dh], b.p. instrument mercury, heating elements, prothrombin test, sodium citrate vial 5 mi, test tube plastic 4 with cap, test tube glass 10 ml, diamond pencil, field stain a (eosine) 500 ml, field stain a (methelene blue) 500 ml, jsb 1, jsb 2, may grunwalds stain hi cert, rapid pap stain kit, turk s fluid 500 ml, 1000mi /1itr measuring cylinder, 200 ml measuring cylinder, conical flask 1 itr, beaker 1 ltr, filter paper grade 1, fnac syring holder, tissue paper roll 24 piece, cover slip large 24*50 mm, d.p x 500 ml, acetone- ar grade 500ml, xyelne ar grade 500ml, absente alcohol 500ml, methanol ar grade 500ml, staining rack for 25 slide, staining rack holder/jar slide, sanitizer 5 ltr, soda lime 5 ltr, ct bt capillaries 100 piece, ethyl alcohol 1 ltr, usg jelly 300 ml, usg jelly 250 ml, usg print roll 110mm*20 meter, ecg print roll 50 mm*20 meter, ecg print roll 210mm*140mm*144 page (nihon khoden), microscopic glass slide, microscopic cover salip, blood grouping antisera a,b,d, distilled water 5 litter pack, vdrl test kit, ecg print roll 80mm*20 meter, ecg print roll a4 size*20 meter, hitachi sample cup, dangue rapid test kit (igm/igg/ns1), pregnancy test card, widal rapid test kit, widal slide test, ecg print roll 210mm*20meter 16mm

CTN :37881886 Due date: 07 Jan, 202507 Jan, 2025 NA
Tender For bid to ras supply of re 116 msd echs 145 hosp lab btd - hiv elisa 1x96 test , hbsag elisa, 96 test , hcv elisa 1x 96 , hiv tridot, 100 test of kit , hcv rapid, tridot, 100 test of kit , antiserum anti a , antiserum anti b , serum anti ab , antiserum anti d igm, mono , lectin anti a1 , lectin anti h , band aid , microtips 0 to 200 ui pack of 500 , crp 1x100 , ra factor 1x100 , hbsag rapid 100 test of kit , malaria rapid test, 25 test of kit , vdrl cassette 100 test of kit , liss coombs card by column agglutination technology , abo oblique rh forward and reverse grouping , red cell diluent for preparation of red cell suspension for column

Central Government And Public Sector

CTN :38753707 Due date: 10 Jan, 202510 Jan, 2025 225
Tender For supply of chemical items to krims karwar - levofloxacin 100 disc or vial-, ciprofcoxacin 100 disc or vial-, tetracycline 100 disc or vial-, co trimoxazole 100 disc or vial-, nalidixic acid 100 disc or vial-, vancomycin 100 disc or vial-, linezolid 100 disc or vial-, pencillin 100 disc or vial-, cefoxitin 100 disc or vial-, clindomycin 100 disc or vial-, erythromycin 100 disc or vial-, azithromycin 100 disc or vial-, ortho phosphoric acid 500ml-, litmus paper- blue pack-s, litmus paper- red pack-s, bullets 1000 per pack-, micro centrifuge tubes 1000 per pack-, hcl n or 10 bottle-, dropper small -, sample container 100 per pack-, slide label pack- 1000 per pack- , needle no. 23 100 per pack-, plastic droppers 2ml- 100 per pack-, plastic droppers 5ml- 100 per pack-, esr disposable pipette 200 per pack- , test- tube 20 ml- , vitek ystid box-, vitek gnid box-, vitek gpid box-, vitek ast st03 box-, vitek ast ys08 box-, vitek ast n407 box-, vitek ast n406 box-, vitek ast n405 box-, vitek ast n235 box-, vitek ast p628 box-, bactec paediatric bottle-s, bactec adult bottle-, ast swab-, micro cover slip large size 20x40 mm 20 per pack-, micro cover slip small size 22 mm 20 per pack- , glass slides 50 slides or pack- size 75mm longx25mm, disodium hydrogen phosphate anhydrous na2hpo4 500 g-, sodium dihydrogen phosphate monohydrate nah2po4.h2o 500 g-, myelo peroxidase stain kit for hematology -, per iodic acid schiff pas stain kit -, glacial acetic acid 500 ml- 99 100 percent -, hypochlorite solution5percent 5 l-, formalene 45percent 5 l-, ethanol absolute 99.9percent 500 ml--, sterile swab-, nichrome straight wire-, slide box- 500 slides 1box-, agar powder 500gm-, sabouraud cyclohexamide chloramphenicol agar 100gm-, sabouraud dextrose agar 500gm-, nutrient agar 500gm-, thiosulphate citrate bilesalt agar 500gm-, deoxycholate citrate agar 500gm-, bilesculin agar 500gm-, citrate 100 gm-, urease 100 gm-, triple sugar iron agar 100 gm-, muller hinton agar 500gm-, macconkey agar 500gm-, blood agar 500gm-, parafin oil 100 ml-, kovacs reagent 100 ml-, lactophenol cotton blue stain 100 ml-, methylene blue stain 250 ml-, h2so4 500 ml-, dilute carbol fuschin 250ml-, safranine 500ml-, acetone 500ml-, grams iodine solution 500ml-, sodium bisulphate 500gm-, benzidine reagent 500ml-, nitric acid 2.5l-, acetone 2.5 l-, sodium nitroprusside 500gm-, sodium sulphite 500gm-, phenolphthalien indicator 100gm-, sodium carbonate 500gm-, glacial acitic acid 500ml-, iodine 100 gm-, hydrogen peroxide 500ml-, ethyl alcohol 500ml-, egg albumin 500gm-, pottasium oxalate 500gm-, dextrose 500gm-, barium chloride 500gm-, albumin bovine fraction 50gm-, ammonium molybdate 500gm-, ammonia solution 2.5 l-, print roll 5.5 ml-, bovine albumin 5 ml-, hb strips-, plastic test- tubes-, elisa reader paper--, crystalviolet stain 500ml-, distilled water 5 l-, bandaid-, copper sulphate 500 g bottle-, hcv rapid 50 test-, hbsag rapid 50 test-, hiv rapid 50 test-, hcv elisa 96 test-, hbsag elisa 96 test-, hiv elisa 96 test-, blue litmus paper-, red litmus paper- , filter paper- , distilled water deionised 5l-, mucicarmine stain-, ziehl neelson stain kit-, leishman stain solution 250 ml--, semen diluting fluid 125 ml-, toludine blue stain solution 125 ml--, may grunwald giemsa stain kit -, carbol fuschin 125 ml--, pap kit-, methanol 2.5 l-, paraffin liquid 500 ml--, wbc diluting fluid 125 ml--, benedict reagent 5 l -, hydrogen peroxide 500 ml- -, liquor ammonia 500 ml--, sodium nitroprusside 100 g-, eosin stain solution 125 ml-, hematoxyline stain solution 125 ml--, iso propl alcohol 2.5 l -, xylene 2.5 l-, crp 35 test , ra 35 test , rpr 35 test , vdrl 25 test , hbsag 100 test , petri plate 110 mm , test tube 7 ml , test tube 5 ml , conical flask 1000 ml , conical flask 500 ml , conical flask 250 ml , cover slip 50 pcs or pack, ceftriaxone 100 disc or vial, cefepime 100 disc or vial, cefazolin 100 disc or vial, ceftazidime 100 disc or vial, aztreonam 100 disc or vial, meropenem 100 disc o

CTN :38712735 Due date: 14 Jan, 202514 Jan, 2025 NA
Tender For supply of lab kits - rapid test for occult blood , rapid widal slide test , rapid test for dengue serology ns1ag plus igm plus igg antibody , ready to use zn stain kit , ready to use gram stain kit , biochemical reaction set kb 001 of 1x20 test kit , biochemical reaction set kb 002 of 1x20 test kit , bact alert fa fan aerobic pack of 100 bottle , absolute alcohol bott of 500 ml , cling roll , aluminium foil , urine container sterile of 50 ml , disposable sterile petridish , durhams tube pkt of 100 , disposable esr pipette plastic pkt of 200 , microscopic cover glass blue star 22 x 40 mm , microcristiline paraffin wax for histopathology 60 to 620c , low profile microtome blade pkt of 50 blades , triple sugar iron tsi agar , dispo sterile nitrile gloves , urine pregnancy rapid test kit of 50 tests , pt reagent kit of 25 tests , printer cartridge for fully automated haematology analyzer model elite 580 laserjet 110 a , printer cartridge for fully automated biochemistry analyzer model em 360 laserjet 112 a , reticulin stain bott of 100 ml , rapid kit for scrub typhus kit of 20 tests , a4 size paper for em 360 comma elite 580 and pclite analyser , liquor formaldehyde 40 percent w by v , india ink for histopath , xld media , iron stain , microscopic cover glass blue star 22 x 50 mm , sickle cell rapid test kit of 25 tests , micropipette tips for 1 to 200 ul , dpx mounting med , wire nicrome 24 swg pkt of 50 pcs , ink glass writing bottle of 30ml , keto diastix bott of 50 strips , strips albumin and glucose bott of 100 strips , tissue cassettes and block holders , fdp determination kit of 40 tests. , peptone water , blood agar base infusion agar , mac conkey agar , pttk reagent , stain leishmans powder , cled agar with thymol blue , tissue paper roll , tissue embedding ring plastic white 1 cm height frame base , burn shower trolley , interferential therapy plus ultrasound therapy combo machine , hiv antibody 1 and 2 detection rapid test kit , elisa test for deyection of hiv 1 and 2 antibody and p24 antigen 4th generation elisa kit of 96 tests , rapid card screening for hbv , hepatitis b surface antigen hbsag detection elisa kit of 96 tests , rapid card screening for hcv , blood collection bag single with cpd to a anticoagulant 49ml for collection of 350ml blood made up of nontoxic plastic , elisa test for detection of hiv 1 and 2 antibody and p24 antigen 4th generation elisa , hcv elisa kit advanced 3rd genration , rapid plasma reagin rpr test kit , bovine albumin 20percent , micropipettes, tips for 1 to 200 ul , syphilis test card bid details/ 2 / 55
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