Tender For corrigendum : repair maint of solar water heaters electric panels connected pipe line cables and connected items at akhnoor under ge (north) akhnoor
Tender For renovation and face lifting of main building at ihmct taramani chennai including structure strengthening reconstruction of portico terrace water proofing terrace tank repair and replacement of water supply line replacement of broken windows doors reconstruction of drainage system conversion of washing area into toilet and bathrooms construction of 6 nos head rooms for elevation etc including electrical renovation of main building with copper wiring energy efflicent lighting fans power outlets and solar heaters etc sh removing repairing and replacing the damaged glass ms mosquito mesh into ss mesh door hardware fittings window hardware fitting and other related miscellaneous works
Tender For repair maint external water supply and maint of stp ttp blowers pumps dg sets solar water heaters and miscellaneous items at icgra dharampur under ge (i) cg porbandar
Tender For corrigendum : 8564 (a) miscellaneous e/m works and repair/ replacement/ maint of lt electrical distribution system and other connected items at afmc and allied area under ge (central) pune and repair and maint of fans, geysers, solar water heaters and connected allied item
Tender For 1repaire / maintenance of electrification of a groups quartes at dharwad and installation of two solar water heaters for b type quartes 2. repair and maintenance of electrification of district judges quartes at dharwad
Tender For corrigendum : repairs, maint to main free chemical free earthing, summer appliances, solar water heaters, electric geysers and allied works at afs bidar
Tender For repair replacement of external water supply repair maint of pump motors borewells comprehensive maint of scada system cleaning of oht ug semi ug sumps dg sets solar water heaters and repair of pumps ch plant si lines under ge bhopal