Tender For special repair to the old power supply panels lugs and special repair to the staging of overhead water tank for 05 in no bathroom complexes at 4m det siyot and provision of generator set diesel engine ac of capacity 15 kva 12kw at mil stn bhuj
Tender For repair maintenance of 3x750 kva and 1x 630 kva sub-station 2x 500, 1x 125 kva and 1x 62.5 kva diesel generator set , 3x 50 tr ac plant with bms , lift , automatic fire alram system and 300 kld stp plant of office building and residential qtr guest house and mp hall in uag complex at kaulagarh road dehradun sh annual periodic preventive maintenance and servicing of 1x 62.5 kva diesel generator set and 1x 105 hp fire engine
Tender For supply of diesel genset with engine capacity minimum 72 bhp, water cooled, turbocharged intercooled, 4 cylinder, fuel type: high speed die sel, with 12 v electrical starting system, coupled to alternator to produce minimum 58.5 kva,@ 1500 rpm, @ 415v, 87a, 50 hz and 0.8 power factor lagging rating. class of insulation - h mounted on a channel iron base.the layout of genset should meet the following conditions demanded for assembly in the x clas s locomotive without fail as per the general layout of generator of high speed diesel oil firing system for x class loco sketch (attached); while facing the x class steam locomotive from rear, (i) the exhaust line should be directed towards the viewer and radiator should be on the left-hand side of the viewer.(ii) s tandard acoustic enclosure & control panel is not required. engine make: tata/cummins/mahindra ; alternator make:stamford/siemens/crompton/leroy some r [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]