Tender For special repair to 45 geysers capacity 25 litres against ber and provision of 04 x solar cum electric water heating system of 200 lpd capacity in building no p-175 p-716 p-717 p-178 (or cook house) of 343 field regt at itarana mil stn under ge alwar
Tender For repair/ maintenance of dg sets and connected allied works and repair maintenance of fan, geyser and solar water heating system including fitting and fixtures at rowriah, saraibari and bhalukmara under ge jorhat.
Tender For repair replacement of internal wiring fitting geyser ventilating system sub main wiring led fitting ic solar hot water heating under phase ii chindit top tenga ledge goc camp area of age em under ge tenga
Tender For repair replacement of internal wiring fitting guysers ventilation system submain wiring led fittings solar water heating under phase iii u l dahung dum dum nalla mh mes offices and messes of age em under ge tenga
Tender For repair replacement of internal wiring fitting geysers ventilating system sub main wiring led fitting ic solar water heating under phase i rupa gachham birpur dp bomdila of age e/m under ge tenga