Tender For under the swachh bharat abhiyan yojana district annual (urban development) fund, regarding solidwastemanagement in the financial years 2024-25 and 2025-26, the work includes daily cleaning of drains in each ward, road sweeping, cleaning of markets,
Tender For construction and commissioning of sanitary landfill, leachate tank and other civil works as per boq for municipal solidwastemanagement work at kundalwadi municipal council under swachh bharat mission urban 2.0
Tender For kodangal municipality - providing infrastructure developmental works including water supply, underground sewerage, storm water drainage, solidwastemanagement and road infrastructure including junction improvement and welcome arches in kodangal municipality
Tender For selection of agency for setting up of solidwastemanagement plant of 40 tpd (25 tpd biomethanation plant and 15 tpd material recovery facility) on dbfot model at noida