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Specimen Bottle Tenders

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Central Government / Public Sector

CTN :39848518 Due date: 07 Apr, 202507 Apr, 2025 NA
Tender For supply of ned_medical_(ph no.:40486) k3-edta-2 ml 13 x 75 mm tube with cap non -vaccum (pack of 1000)

Central Government/Public Sector

CTN :39825536 Due date: 07 Apr, 202507 Apr, 2025 NA
Tender For purchase of o.sml micro tube rack , odc mini cooler (blood collection tube) , odc mini cooler (thermo conductive rack) (ino/pk) , odc mini cooler lsml , 1 % dithiothreitol (dtt)-1 g , 1 % dithiothreitol (dtt)-sg , i.sml float rack- 8 places , 1 dc cooler (capacity 1 or 1.8) , 10ml syringe with needle , 10ml syringe with needle (22xl 1f4) , isml centrifuge tube (soo noslpk) sterile , isml centrifuge tube amber conical bottom , 18g needle , lxphosphate buffered saline ca& mg free (sooml) , ix tris edta- ph-7.0 , 2ml screw cap micro tube conical bottom , 20ml syringe , 2ltr plastic beaker , 3% hydrogen peroxide solution , soml centrifuge tube (soonos/pk) , soml centrifuge tube (soonos/pk) racked sterile , soml centrifuge tube large volume wire racks , soml vacuum filter/storage bottle system (12nos/pk) , 8 channel multi pipette (variable) increment 1 ".d with digital , display , 8 channel multi pipette (variable) increment 11-11 with digital , display , 8 channel multi pipette (variable) increment 11-11 with digital , display , a 72s0: n-acetyl-l-cysteine (1 ogm) , absolute alcohol-sooml , absorbent cotton roll , acetic acid glacial , aluminum foil , aluminum weighing boat (100nos/pk) , amber narrow mouth bottle 30ml , amber narrow mouth bottle 8ml (72nos/pk) , antiseptic urinary towelette , apron (white lab coat) full (medium) , apron (white lab coat) full (small) , apron (white lab coat) half sleeve (medium) , apron (white lab coat) half sleeve (small) , ast 2 tube carrier set, (pack of 3) , ast 5 tube carrier set, (pack of3) , ast carrier rack 8 set , ast carrier set -5 tube , auto clave label , autoclavable biohazard bags or specimen l2x24 inches (100 , nos/pk) , autoclavable biohazard bags or specimen 19x24 inches (100 , nos/pk) , bd serum vacutainer-4ml , bd serum vacutainer-6ml , bd vacutainer edta tube-4ml (cbc and hbaic) , bd vacutainer trace element plastic (100/pk) , bd vacutainer k2 edta trace element plastic (loo/pk) , bd vacutainer k2 edta plus 6m! (100/pk) , bd vacutainer safety lock blood collection sets, 21g, , 23gx3/4"xi2 (0.8xi9mmx305mm) (50nos) , bd vacutainer safety lock blood collection sets, 23g, , 23gx3/4"xi2 (0.6xi9mmx305mm) (50nos) , beaker 1000ml (20 per case) , beaker 100ml (20 per case) , beaker 500ml (40 per case) , biohazard waste container- 5ltr , blotting paper sheet , bottle with screw cap 1000m! , bottle with screw cap 500ml , bottle with screw cap 100ml , bottle with screw cap 50ml , bp handle- long & medium , carbol fuchsin (zn, strong) , carbol fuchsin practical grade , card board cryo box 36 places for 15m! centrifuge tubes , (8nos/pk) , card board cryo box 81 places for im1l2ml vials (8nos/pk) , card board cryo box 100 places for iml/2ml vials (8noslpk) , card board cryo box 25 places for 1 m1l2ml vials (8nos/pk) , cedarwood oil , cello chiller box (3l, 8l, 12l, 14l, 20l) (without tap) , champ autoclavable variable volume pipettor (20-200ml) , chromotrope 2r , collapsible space saver rack (2 nos/pk) , combilok (4 nos/pk) , conical centrifuge tube rack (l/pack) , conical flask 100 ml , conical flask 150 ml , conical flask 250 ml , conical flask 50 ml , conical flask 500 ml , coup lin jar places-1 0 , corning 2ml external threaded polypropylene cryogenic vial , self- standing with round bottom (500/pk) , cover slip, rectangular- 22mrnx40mm , cover slip, square- 22mmx22mm , cryo apron 42" , cryo cube box 100 places (4nos/pk) , cryo cube box 25 places (8nos/pk) , cryo cube box 50 places (8nos/pk) , cryo cube box 81 places (4nos/ pk) , cryo cube box 81 places (4noslpk) , cryo gloves (medium) , cryo label nitro tag , cryo laser babies (1.28xo.50mm) , cryo marker , cryopure tubes, 2ml white, internal thread , cryo racks, (50 place) , cryo tags (l.50xo.75) , cryo vials 1.8-2ml (500nos /pk) (self-standing with external , thread) , cryo vials 1.8-2ml (500nos /pk) (self-standing with internal , thread) , cryogenic barcode label l "x 1 " , cryogenic permanent marker blue , cryo vials 1.oml, sta

Central Government/Public Sector

CTN :39825553 Due date: 07 Apr, 202507 Apr, 2025 NA
Tender For purchase of 5ml micro tahe rack , 8 c mini cooler (blood collection tube , oc mini coolm (tuono conductive rack) (norpk) , c mini coo15ml , 1% dahlodrett (dtt)-10 , in duhinthrenol (dtt)-sg , 1.5m float rack-places , 1 c cool (capacity 1 or 1.3) , uni syringe with naalle , 10ml syringe with noodle (22x1 m) , 15ml centrifuge tabe (500 nos/pk) sterile , 15nt centrifuge tube amber conical bonom , 180 needle , isphosphate buffered saline cad mg five (500ml) , is tris edta-p1e-70 , 2ml screw cap miens tube cotizal bettem , 20ml syringe , lur plastic beska , 7% hydrogen peroxide solution , 50mi centrifuge tube (3000nos/pk) , that cerartflage tube (500nos/pk) hacked sterile , somi cerifuge the large volume wire racks , silmi varaum filter surage bottle symom (12es/pk) , chamel multi pipette (variable) lassement iul with digital display , & channel multi pipetta (variable) lerument iui with digital doplay , channel multi pipata (variable) irement il with digital display , a7250: n-acetyl-l-cysteine (10gm) , absolute alchol-500ml , absorbem cotton rod , annual repairstic acid glacial , alaninum foil , aluminum weighing boat (100nes/pk) , ainbet narrow mouth bottle 30ml , anber narrow mouth botile and (72 ) , antiseptic urinary towalette , aprom (white lab cost) fall (medium , apton (white lab cont) full (small) , apmm (white lab cout) half sleeve (medium) , apron (white lab coat) half sleeve (small) , ast 2 tube carrier set, (pack of 3) , ant 3 tube canter set, (phuck of 3) , ast carrier back , ast carrier -5 the , aute clave label , autoclavable bishanand bugs or specimen 12x24 inches 1100 , nos pk , autoclavable bioltazard hags or specimen 19x24 inchen (100 npk , bd serum vaztainer-m , bd serim vac tal- , bd vastainer edta then (cbc and hhaic) , bd vacutame trace element plastic (100/p) , bd vastaine k2 edta trace element planic (100/7) , bd vinstainer k2 edta plus mi (100/pk) , bd vacutainer safety lock blood collection sets, 210, 23034x12 (0.8x19mmx305man) (2000) , bd vazunaliser safity lock blood collection sets, 230, 2301/12 (0.619mmx305mm) (500) , benker 1000ml (20 per come) , beaker 100ml (20) , beaker 500ml (40 per ome) , biohamand waste comteiner-5ltr , bloning papo shest , battle with screw 1000ml , bottle with screw cap 100 , bottle with screw 100ml , bottle with screw cap 50ml , bp handle long & malim , carti fuchsis (zn, seong) , cartsil fochoin practical grade , card board cryo box 36 places for 15ml cexifage tabes (nos/pk) , card board crye bux 81 places for inilmi vials (nos/) card board cryo box 100 places for imd/2ml vials (nou/pk) , cand beard cryo box 25 man for ind/2mi vials (8nos/pk) , cedarwood nil , cello chiller box (1, 81, 121, 141, 20) (with) , champ autoclavable vurishiz sulume pipettit (20-200m) , chromotrope 2 , collapsille space saver nick (2 nos/pk) , combilok (4 nou/pk) , canina emiflage tube rack (pack) , conical flask 100 ml , comical flask 150 mi , comical flask 250 mi , conical fleek 50 mi , conical flask 500 ml , couplin jar places-10 , corsing 2mi external threaded palypropylese cryogenic vial self standing with round bottom (500/pk) , cover slip restmguir-22mmx40mm , cover slip, square-22mmx12mm , cryo apron 42" , crye cube box 100 placas (4ncs/pk) , crye cuhe box 25 places (en) , crye cube box 50 places (nou/pk) , cryo cute box 81 places (4nos pk) , crye cube box #1 places (4nos/) , crye gloves (medium) , cryo label nitro tag , cryo laser hables (1.20x0.50mm) , cyo marker , cryopure tubes, 2mi white, intersal thenad , cryo racks, (50 place) , cye tags (1.30x0.75) , crye visis 1.8-2ml (100k) (cling with extrsal thread) , cryo vials 1.8-2ml (300nos/pk) (self-standing with interma thread , cryogenic baroode label 1"x1" , cryogenic permanent marker hue , cryo vials 1.0ml, sur foot (500nos/p , cryo vials 1.8ml, ste foot, external thread(300n/pk) , cryo vials 18ml, star foot, internal thread(1000nos/pk) , cryo vials 1.8 (star foot, internal thread) (500nos/pk) , cutarab , dp.x. manastast (la

State Government

CTN :39826251 Due date: 10 Apr, 202510 Apr, 2025 50.00 Lacs
Tender For lab reagents supply work at govt base hospital kotdwara - items articals for lab, binocular microscope with lens, electrolyte (na+,k+,ca+) pack, esr disposable westergren tube, esr stand wintrobe, esr stand westergren, spirit lamp, test tube rack (aluminium), slide box, hot air oven, incubator, stethoscope, blood pressure machine, physical balance &weight box, rh viewing box(electrical), photocaloriemeter, oil immersion lens 100x, stopwatch, timer, vdrl shaker with timer, semi auto analyser, antisera abd, acetone, acetic acid glacial, ammonia solution, ammonium sulphate powder, ammonium oxalate powder, auto pipette 5-50ul, benedicts solutionqualitative, benedicts solution quantitative, brush test tube, barium chloride 10%, conc . hcl, conc. h2so4, conc hno3, carbol fuchsin, test tube rack aluminium, high power lens 40x, low power lens, auto pipette 50-200ul, auto pipette 1000ul`, auto pipette 500ul, auto pipette 10ul, dropping bottle plastic 1000ml, neubaver counting chamber, disodium hydrogen phosphate, dropping bottle plastic125 ml, distilled water, eosin powder, edta powder, ethenol, eherlichs reagent, aec diluting fluid, edta vial, esr filling needle, fouchets reagent, filter paper, beaker plastic 100-1000ml, beaker glass 100-1000ml, centriguge tubes, glass test tube 12*75, glass test tube 12*100, glass cover slip, glass slide, glass capillary tube, glass haemoglobinometer, hb measuring tube 2-20%, glass pipette for hb 20ul, glass rbc pipette, glass wbc pipette, glass funnel, glass marking funnel, grams iodine, hydrogen peroxide, washing solution, pm kit (semi auto), am kit ( semi auto), glass cover slip, vacutainer vial red top, vacutainer vial, vaccutainer needles, aliquet 2ml, fluoride vials, sodium citrate vials, glass wbc pipette, glass funnel, dengue ns1ag/igm/igg card test, leishman stain, liquid paraffin, litmus paper red, litmus paper blue, methylene blue, multisticks for urine exam, malaria antigen card test, mountex ppd vial, n/10 hcl, pregnancy card test, typhoid dotigm/igg, vdrl card test, hbsag card test, hcv tridot, hiv tridot, urinometer glass, wintrobe esr tube, westergren esr tube, platelet diluting fluid, potassium oxalate, potassium dichromate, plastic washing bottle 250 ml, plastic stand, plastic funnel, pasteur pipette, potassium permagnate, printer roll/ paper, plane vial, edta vial, rubber bulb, rbc fluid, wbc fluid, sodium sulphate powder, sulphur powder, tips auto pipette white, tips auto pipette yellow, tips auto pipette yellow, semen diluting fluid, sodium hypochloride solution, tourniquette strong, tissue paper, uristicks for albumin sugar, urine collection pot disposable, wintrobe tube filler, xylene, liquor ammonia, acetone, aso latex slide test, raf latex slide test, crp latex slide test, rapid pap stain, diamond glass marker, gram stain, fnac plunger, ethanol, coverslip for fnac, mgg stain, gills haematoxylin stain, og / ea stain, 1% glacial acetic acid, wbc count fluid/ turk fluid, giemsa stain, spirit lamp, occult blood card test, water bath, thermameter

Central Government/Public Sector

CTN :39826384 Due date: 22 Apr, 202522 Apr, 2025 NA
Tender For tender for supply of surgical and consumables hospital furniture etc to assam medical college hospital dibrugarh - supply of surgicals, consumables and hospital furniture, absolute alcohol, absorbable gelatine sponge ip 66 80mm x 50mm x 10mm, absorbent cotton wool ip 300gm roll, adhesive tape 7.5cm x 5 mtr spool, alcohol swab, aldheyde free disinfectant, anti septic solution 1000 ml, bandage 90cm x 18mtrs,, betadin ointment tube/nanz/ collapsible tube, betadin solution 500ml (5%), bleaching powder, cannula fixer, cidex solution 2.45% 1000 ml, collagen sheets 10 x 10cm, cotton crepe bandage b.p. size: 4mtr x 6 cm, cotton roll 500gm, disinfection solution 5 ltrs jar, elastic adhesive bandage 10cm x 1mtr, formalin, gauge cloth 90cm x 18mtr, gauge swab non sterilized, gauge swab sterilized, glycerol, hand sanitizer, hand wash 500ml bottle/, hydrogen peroxide, hypoallergenic non-woven tape, size: 5m x 2.5cm, hypoallergenic non-woven tape, size: 5m x 5cm, lysol, mackintosh sheet, methylated spirit 1 ltr jar, micro-porous plaster size: small/each box, micro-porous plaster size: big/each box, paper adhesive size: 1" x 9.0 mts, paraffin gauge dressing b.p. size: 10cm x 10cm, phenyl 450 ml bottle, phenyl solid, plaster of paris bandages bp size: 15cm x 2.7 mts, plaster of paris bandages bp size: 10cm x 2.7 mts, raxin sheet, rectified spirit 450ml, roll bandage 10cm x 5mtrs, rolled bandage 5cm x 5mtrs, 100gm/doz, rolled bandage 5cm x 5mtrs, 60gm/doz, savlon, senitary napkin, sodalime 5kg jar, surgical gauge pad, back rest, bed side screen 4 fold, biomedical waste bin trolley, door screen white, size: 200cm x 114cm/, dressing trolley, dressing trolley big size, ecg trolley, foot step (double step), foot step (single step), fowler bed (deluxe), hygiene trolley, icu bed (fowler), icu bed (mannual), icu bed with remort control, instrument trolley, instrumet cabinet, medicine cabinet, medicine trolley, mosquito stand, orthopedic bed, oxygen cylinder carrying trolley, oxygen cylinder trolley (d-type) 140cm hight tubular ms frame work fitted with wheel 125mm dia., patient carrying trolley, patient examination bed, patient examination couch, patient examination table, pediatric bed, revolving stool, revolving stool ss, saline warmer, semi fowler bed, semi fowler bed (super) with mosquito net stand, sevotec veporiser, stretcher, stretcher on trolley, waiting chair (regular), ward bed (general), wheel chair, mosquito artery forceps, speculam, pvc pipe for central line, reservior bag for anaesthesia machine, anathesia face mask 0,1,,2,3, black rubber mask 1,2,3,4, uterine sound, towel clip, ecg paper for schiller machine model at2 per packet, ecg paper for edan machine per packet, laryngeal mask airway size 1,1.5,2,2.5, i gel size 1,1.5,2,2.5, bowl stand, sterlized drum trolley, volcellum, post vaginal well retractor, cup t removal hook, anti vaginal well retractor, cunalty, coscors self retractor, angle lip retractor, hegari dilator, theraputic paraffin wax, absolute alcohol (denaturated alcohol), absorbable gelatine sponge ip 66 80mm x 50mm x 10mm, absorbent cotton wool ip, 300 gm roll, adhesive tape, 7.5cm x5mtr spool, alcohol swab, aldheyde free disinfectant, all container vial ( non vaccum, non iradidiated), clot. activitor, b cit 3.2%, glucose, edta, esr, etc., all container vial (vacuum, iradidiated), clot. activitor, b cit 3.2%, glucose, edta, esr, z no add, k2, k3, allies tissue forceps, size: 6 , 8 , autoclave big, size:big, autoclave, size: medium, autoclave, size:small, b.p. bulb, b.p. handle stainless steel, size: 3, b.p. handle stainless steel, size: 4, bandage cloth, size:90cm x 18mtrs, 325gm, barium sulphate 5 kg jar, bed pan, betadin solution 500ml (5%), bleaching powder, blood administration set disposable sterilized, bp blade, size: 11,15,20,21,22,23,24, bp instrument stand type, bp instrument (mercurial) table model, b.p instrument (digital), cannula (3 way), cap (disposable), carbon di oxide b-type cylinder (as per latest iso s

CTN :39829012 Due date: 04 Apr, 202504 Apr, 2025 13.45 Lacs
Tender For supply of pathalogy lab kits to this office for year 2024-25 - anti a, b, d set (blood group kit), hbs ag kit, vdrl kit (strips) for syphills, pregnancy kit, widal slide test, uristics (100 strips), rapid dengue kit, biofix spray, n/10 hcl, test tube/ 5ml, glass rods/ stailning, edta tube, plane tube, flouride tube, distilled water, filter paper, lens paper/ tissue paper, slide box wooden, cover slip square, microscopic glass slide, hb tube square, hb pipette, finger prick lancet, glucometer strips/ glucospark, dispo.syringes 2.ml, dispo.syringes 5.ml, sodium hypocholride sol usp, torniquet belt, dispo. dropper 5.ml/ 3.ml, urine container, glass marker pen

CTN :39804397 Due date: 31 Mar, 202531 Mar, 2025 NA
Tender For supply of lab reagents - name of reagent/consumables with equipments, albumin for bs390, alkaline phosphatase for bs390, alkaline wash solution for bs390, aso for bs390, bilirubin total for bs390, bilirubin direct for bs390, calcium for bs390, cholesterol for bs390, crp for bs390, creatinine for bs390, hdl cholesterol for bs390, glucose hexokinase for bs390, ldl cholesterol for bs390, multicalibrator for bs390, phosphorus for bs390, ra for bs390, sgot for bs390, sgpt for bs390, total protein for bs390, triglycerides, urea uv for bs390, uric acid for bs390, qc norm for bs390, qcc path for bs390, crp for mispai2 ( 30 t), aso for mispai2 ( 30 t), ra for mispai2 (30 t), hbaic for mispai2 (15 t), capillary tube ( 100 nos), sodium conditioner for innolyte plus, weekly cleaning solution for innolyte plus, glucose for merilyser ( 1 ml), urea for merilyser ( 1 ml), creatinine for merilyser (1ml), sgpt for merilyser(1ml), cholesterol for merilyser(1ml), clot activator non vacum, vacutainer needle 22 g, k3 edta tube vacum, clot activator vacum, diluent for pe 6000(20 l), rinse/cleaner for pe 6000 (10l), lyse for pe 6000 (500ml), e-z cleaner for pe 6000 (100ml), probe cleaner for pe 6000(50 ml ), esr pipette for vesmatic 20, bilirubin total for merylyser(1 ml), bilirubin direct for merylyser (1ml), qc level 1 for mindray 900i, qc level 2 for mindray 900i, qc level 3 for mindray 900i, 3.8 % sodium citrate tube( vacum), dpx (250 ml), hitachi cup, anti a (10ml), anti ab (10ml), anti a1 h lectin (5ml), anti b (10 ml), anti d(10ml), anti d igg&igm(10ml), ahg(5ml), ayres spatula, barium chloride, bbr graph lab line, bbr pen lab line, capillary tube, clot activator tube, cover slip 18*18 mm( 1no), cover slip 22*22 mm(1no), cover slip 22*40 mm(1no), dengue igg,igm&ns1 combo card test, diamond pencil, disttiled water(5l), ea 36 (125 ml), esr pipette disposible, filter paper, filter paper sheet(ordinary), fouchets reagent, harris haematoxyline stain(500ml), hav igm card test, hcv card test, giemsa stain (125 ml), malaria pan pv pf, widal card test (double barrel whole blood), streptococcal rapid antigen (card test), 100 %isopropyl alcohol(5l), k3 edta tube non vacum, lancet, liss (250 ml), lepto igm card test, microtip large, micro tip small, micro scopic slide, micro centrifuge tube(500 nos), matrix gel card(144 t), og 6 (125 ml), peadiatric k 3 edta tube, pregnancy card, urine strip multiparameter, 3.8 % sodium citrate tube( non vacum), sodium flouride tube ( non vacum), sodium nitro prusside, sodium hypochlorate (2% 5l), sterile swab, sulphur powder, sulpho salycilic acid, spot band aid, tissue roll, test tube plastic (12*75), test tube glass ( 12*75), test tube brush, tourniquet belt, thermal paper (55 mm), urine container sterile, urine container non sterile, screw capped bottile, urine strip glucose protein, urine strip glucose ketone, viral transport medium ( vtm ), xylene ( 500 ml), vdrl card test, widal slide test (20ml), aso latex, ra latex, crp latex, hematology qc(bc5130), hbsag 0.3 ng sensitivity card test


CTN :39810550 Due date: 01 Apr, 202501 Apr, 2025 90.00 Lacs
Tender For e-tender document for supply of lab chemicals and glass ware / potassium permaganate/surgical gloves / iso amyl alcohal - potassium permagnate crystal (commercial grade), tsp (tri sodium phosphate) commercial grade, salt a (per 500 ml pack), absolute ethanol (per 500 ml pack), sulphuric acid lab grade ( 5 lit. plastic jar pack), iso amyl alcohol lab grade (500ml pack) (melting point:- 117.2 degree c) (boiling point:- 131 degree c ) density:- 0.810 kg/1,) (solubility:- water 25 g/1 at 20 degree c) refractive index:- 20/d 1.4053 physical description :- liquid, qualigens, e-merck, cdh, qualikems, rankem, lab chemicals & glassware, ranbaxy, sd fine, glaxo / qualigens universal, e-merck, loba, himedia, borosil, duran (germany) / ravira, qualikems, supertek, satol, polylab, religlass, cdh, whatman, diversey, dorson, moxcare, abdos, butyrometer ( benny make), for cream, for butter, for milk, for cheese, surgical gloves sterlized size 7.5" & 8", surgical gloves non-sterlized size 7.5" & 8", nitrile gloves(food grade), halyard, moxcare, labserv, kimberly-clark, cotton absorbent 500 gm / 400 gm pack, cotton non-absorbent 500 gm / 400 gm pack, disposable cap, disposable face mask, thermometer 0-110 deg.c (dimple make), type:alcohol, type:mercury, lactometer-(20 to 40 range) 15.5 c, jupitor, benny, jk, lactometer supreme quality dual tested range:0-40@84 deg f,accuracy: 0.0002, division:0.001 (jk make), lock stopper (make benny), rubber cork no.1 for test tube, edta commercial grade, pipette 10.75 ml super delux benny make, water bath- ordinary, water bath- serological, water bath- with thermostatically, hot air oven (s.s.), hot plates round, 8 inch, 12 inch, b.h.a. food grade, digital thermometer- 10 deg.c to 250 deg.c, b.r. meter, distilled water, filter paper grade 4, size:125 mm, dorson, whatman, filter paper grade 41, size:125 mm, dorson, whatman

CTN :39816407 Due date: 15 Apr, 202515 Apr, 2025 8.97 Lacs
Tender For supply of cleanac green can of five ltr , cleanac white can of 5 ltr , dengue serology rapid kit box of 10 test , hbsag rapid test kit box of 50 test , hcv rapid test kit box of 50 test , hemolynac 3n 500 ml , hiv rapid test kit box of 50 test , isotonic diluent 3n 18 ltr , vaccum blood collection tube without gel sterile 5ml red , vaccum blood collection tube with gel sterile 5ml yellow , triglyceride kit 100 ml , vaccum blood collection tube sodium flouride 5ml , vaccum blood collection tube edta , vaccum blood collection tube sodium citrate , thyroid kit t3 finecare , thyroid kit t4 finecare , thyroid kit tsh finecare

CTN :39809779 Due date: 14 Apr, 202514 Apr, 2025 18.95 Lacs
Tender For supply of hiv elisa kit of 50 test - hiv elisa kit of 50 test , hbaag elisa kit of 50 test , hcv elisa kit of 50 test , vdrl test kit of 50 test , hiv 1 and 2 rapid test 4 generation kit of 50 test , hbsag rapid test kit of 50 test , hcv rapid test kit of 50 test , hemocue microcuvetters for hb percentage estimation , temp chart recorder for blood bank refrigerator 2c to 10c helmer , temp chart recorder for blood bank refrigerator 2c to 10c remi , esr test tube westergren method , tlc diluting fluid 100ml , rbc diluting fluid 100ml , giema stain readymade , reticulocyte stain 500 ml ready made cytochrome , leishman stain 500ml ready made cytochrome , phosphate buffer ph7.0 , glass tube 10 ml , rapid aso titre kit 20 test , rapid widal test kit 4 x 5 ml , grcott stain bott of 100 ml , pas stain bott of 100 ml , chlorofoam ar bott of 500 ml , acetone bott of 500 ml , emirsion oil for microscope bott of 30 ml , liquor ammonia bott of 500 ml , vaccutainer edta for paedriatric , vaccutainer sterile for paedriatric , glucose powder , blood cultur bottle adult , blood cultur bottle paediatric , swab stick sterile , syringe 2 ml , syringe 5 ml , syringe 10 ml , syringe 50 ml , vaccutainer sterile tube with needle gel 5 ml , vaccutainer sterile tube with needle without gel 5 ml , vaccutainer edta 3ml with needle , vaccutainer sodium flouride 5 ml with needle , vaccutainer sodium citrate 3 ml with needle , tourniquete , micropipettes tips for 1-200 iu pkt of 1000 , tissue embedding ring plastic white, 1 cm height form base , tissue embedding ring plastic orange 1 cm height form base , tissue embedding ring plastic yellow 1 cm height form base , tissue embedding cassette metal 3 x 3 point 5 x 1 cm , tissue embedding ring plastic green 1 cm height form base , new methylene blue rtu bottle of 120 ml , wright stain rtu bottle of 500 ml , viral transport media with two swabs , c reactive protein kit for 50 test , pt reagent kit of 25 tests , tissue cassettes and block holders , stainless steel tissue embedding moulds size small pack of 50 and large pack of 50 , uti cytochrome agar pack of 500 gm , hemocue rapid staining of blood smear sigma aldrich
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