Tender For supply of sucrose , cleri gel , 6-bap , iba , a-naphthaleneacetic acid bracket naa bracket , l-ascorbic acid , phloroglucinol , kinetin , thidiazuron bracket tdz bracket , murashige and skoog macroelements , murashige and skoog plant salt mixture , woody plant medium , autoclave tape , bluple nitrile examination gloves, medium size , marcuric chloride , 2-propanol, hi-lr , surgical blade bracket twelve number bracket , surgical blade bracket eleven number bracket , forcep pointed bracket eight inch bracket , freeze tag , syringe-driven filters size zero point twenty two , agar , wash bottle , para film , buffer capsule ph four point zero , buffer capsule ph seven point zero , buffer capsule ph nine point zero , stainless steel scalpel holder number four , dimethyl sulphoxide bracket dmso bracket , acetone for synthesis , methanol for synthesis , thiobarbituric acid ar , trichloro acetic acid ar slash acs , two comma four comma six tri bracket two pyridyl bracket one comma three comma five triazine ar , perchloric acid twenty percent , folin and ciocalteu s phenol reagent ar , sodium carbonate bracket anhydrous bracket ar , gibberellic acid bracket ga3 bracket , indole three butyric acid bracket iba bracket , one naphthalene acetic acid , acetic acid, glacial , sulphuric acid ar , ethanol ultra pure ninety nine point ninety nine percent , petroleum ether ar , two comma six di tert four methyl phenol bracket see butylated hydroxy toluene bracket , acetic acid , sulphosalicylic acid ar , orthophosphoric acid , ninhydrin , two comma four dinitro phenyl hydrazine ar , thiourea ar , potassium dihydrogen phosphate , di-potassium hydrogen phosphate , ascorbic acid , glutathione oxidized , five comma five dithio bis extra pure , tris bracket hydroxy methyl bracket amino methane
Tender For supply of harmonic items - harmonic ace+shear 36 cm (har 36), hand activated curved coagulating shear with adaptive tissue technology & finer, non stick coated blade, 55 mm diameter, 36 cm long, capable of sealing blood vessels upto 5 mm in diameter, ergonomic handle compatible with compatible with the combined generator gen11, harmonic focus+ shear 9 cm (har9f); hand activated curved taper tip coagulating shear with adaptive tissue technology, 240 degree hand activation buttons, 9cm length, capable of sealing blood vessels up to 5mm in diameter with ergonomic symmetrical finger ring grip compatible with gen11., harmonic focus+ shear 17 cm (har17 f); hand activated curved taper tip coagulating shear with adaptive tissue technology, 240 degree hand activation buttons, 9cm length, capable of sealing blood vessels up to 5mm in diameter with ergonomic symmetrical finger ring grip compatible with gen11., harmonic handpiece lap (hp054), harmonic hand piece 220v a connecting cable for ultrasonic scalpel (laparoscopic surgeries) compatible with the generator gen11., harmonic handpiece open (hp blue) connecting cable for ultrasonic scalpel compatible with the generator gen11 for open surgeries hand instrument.