Tender For short term expression of interest (eoi) for selection of firm/ companies/ institution/ individuals for need based cultivation of vegetables/ flowers/ornamental etc in polyhouses / shadenets or in open areas on lease/contractual basis in the premises of centre of excellence of maddur, hassan and shivamogga.
Tender For tender for supply of potato dextrose broth with chloramphenicol for the selective isolation and enumeration of yeasts and moulds from dairy and other food products 500 gm , potato dextrose rose bengal agar for promoting ascospore production 500 gm , himedia potato carrot agar for reproduction of pyronema domesticum 500 gm , czapek dox agar granulated a semisynthetic medium for general cultivation of fungi 500 gm , aleksandrow broth for enrichment of potassium solubilizing bacteria from soil samples 500 gm , v8 juice agar for cultivation of yeasts and moulds 500 gm , nesslers reagent for ammonia and ammonia salt 125 ml , pcr product purification kit principle column based sample material 25 to 100 ul pcr product , indole 3 acetic acid iaa plant culture tested 25 gm , gibberellic acid 1 gm , streptomycin sulphate 10 gm , cellulose microcrystalline 500 gm , phenol chloroform isoamyl alcohol mixture 25 24 1 vv 500 ml , bacterial transformation kit for rapid preparation of chemically competent e coli cell , carboxymethylcellulose sodium salt medium viscosity cmc viscosity 400 to 800 cps 500 gm , calcium chloride dihydrate 500 gm
Tender For supplying some lab equipments/farm implements etc - aau funded project entitled "mobile application for identification of red flags in child development, aicrpda-nicra, bnca, aicrp on farm implements and machinery, dept. of agril. engg. aau, jorhat, aicrp on farm implements and machinery, dept. of agril. engg. aau, jorhat, aicrp on ifs, aau, jorhat, aicrp on ifs, aau, jorhat, aicrp on ifs, aau, jorhat, aicrp on ifs, aau, jorhat, aicrp on ifs, aau, jorhat, aicrp on ifs, aau, jorhat, rkvy-raftaar project, technological empowerment of farming community for pursuing efficient farm activities aiming a post-harvest loss reduction and. value addition in entrepreneuria mode, (aau-hrs, kahikuchi), rkvy-raftaar project, technological empowerment of farming community for pursuing efficient farm activities aiming a post-harvest loss reduction and value addition in entrepreneuria mode, (aau-hrs, kahikuchi), aicrp on sugarcane, smaprs, buralikson, oil palm cultivation and its future prospect in assam (module 11), aicrp on wia, aau, jorhat, aicrp on wia, aau, jorhat, aicrp on wia, aau, jorhat, nasf funded project on potential of crop residue in neh region-a circular economic perspective for sustainable economy, aau, jorhat, nasf funded project on potential of crop residue in neh region-a circular economic perspective for sustainable economy, aau, jorhat, production of quality seeds of some popular aau developed varieties of rice and their marketing in ppp mode aau- arri, titabor, production of quality seeds of some popular aau developed varieties of rice and their marketing in ppp mode, aau- arri, titabor, enhancing climate adaptation of vulnerable communities through nature-based solutions and gender-transformative approaches in nagaon district of assam, india (enact-assam), aau-arri, titabor, enhancing climate adaptation of vulnerable communities through nature-based solutions and gender-transformative approaches in nagaon district of assam, india (enact-assam), aau-arri, titabor, participatory technology assessment for enhancing farming system productivity and developing entrepreneurship for sustainable rural livelihood" (farmer first programme)