Tender For operation and maintenance of heavy cargo handling equipments viz cranes, reach stacker, workshop machineries etc at haddo, chatham and junglighat wharves for the period of 12 months.
Tender For hiring of one no.180mt capacity crane for removal of hydraulic luff cylinders from stacker cum reclaimer i at eqi terminal of vpa and install the same after completion of its repair work on shift wise basis, including fuel and operation for 6 shifts.
Tender For ichp- attending routine electrical maintenance works in electrical light fittings and air conditioner units of stacker & reclaimer machines.
Tender For procurement of cable reeling drum spares of ktps dvc - , slip ring assembly for pcrd of paddle feeder withcarbon brushes, volts-1.1 kv, suitable for 3.5cx70sqmm power cable, drum type- monospiral, type offeed- centre, slip ring assembly for ccrd of paddlefeeder with carbon brushes, volts- 1.1 kv, suitablefor 12cx2.5+8px1.5 sqmm control cable, drum type-monospiral, type of feedcentre, slip ring assemblyfor pcrd of stacker cum reclaimer with carbonbrushes,volts- 3.3 kv, suitable for 4cx50 sqmmpower cable, drum type- barrel, type of feedcentre,
Tender For providing of custom bid for services - deemed ot farakka supply of skilled and unskilled manpower for operation of stackerandreclaimer in chp ntpc